What jobs can I get at 13?

My parents only give me a tiny bit of money and I want to get more money of my own so I actually have enough to buy decent stuff. What jobs could I get that pay more than the £1 a week my parents give me?

Answer #1

Hi ineedajob!

Not too many places hire at 13 (at least in America) but there are some things you could try around your neighborhood to get some pocket money (these are all things I used to do):

  1. Babysit. Ask for more money if they are coming home super late!
  2. Do chores around the house or for your neighbors - cutting grass, shoveling snow, painting houses or fences, etc.
  3. Walk neighbor’s dogs daily
  4. Offer to plant-sit or pet-sit if people go out of town in the neighborhood. Charge them per day and go check on/water their plants and feed their cats/dogs, etc.

Good luck!

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