Questions & Answers

  1. How much will gas cost on a road trip from MA to NY (read more)?
  2. How far is Las Vegas from Los Angeles?
  3. Do you think it's a good idea to set up an online help page for teenagers?
  4. How can I figure out how closely I fit the Golden Ratio?
  5. Is it possible for your hyman to appear again a few months after having sex?
  6. Do you think this is kind of rude?
  7. Why is coffee getting so expensive?
  8. What makes teeth yellow instead of any other color after not cleaning them or leaving them unattended?
  9. What color is stomach acid?
  10. How can I find out what blood type I am without having to pay for it?
  11. What is the latest American live chat website?
  12. FunAdvice Trivia: Jonker and President Vargas are types of what?
  13. Is it okay to drink water in between different exercises while working out?
  14. What's a school appropriate song that has a lot of meaning in it?
  15. What are your opinions on The Hunger Games cast?
  16. What is the symbolism of All Saint's Day?
  17. Where can I get a cheap pair or bag of earplugs and how much would they cost?
  18. What was your favorite Halloween costume that you've ever worn?
  19. Is there another way to get one month of contraceptives if I have been getting them from a planned parenthood clinic (see details)?
  20. What are some interesting facts about gold?
  21. How do you get rid of a corn on the bottom of your foot quickly?
  22. How to quickly heal pulled muscles?
  23. What would you pack if you only had 1 small bag to live off for 3 months?
  24. Would you let your child(dren) get candy from a police officer that is riding around in a police cruiser?
  25. Why have I been so tired lately (read more)?
  26. How do we find new band members?
  27. How is power distributed in Iran, Israel, and Saudi Arabia?
  28. What are some good sites to get brochure templates online that work for Microsoft Word?
  29. Are there any haunted houses still open for Halloween today (the 31st) in Pittsburgh?
  30. Why do girls sleep naked at night?
  31. What happens if animals have inadequate or inappropriate diet?
  32. FunAdvice Trivia: Which animals is catgut made from?
  33. Do you have any special Halloween traditions?
  34. How do I postpone my menstrual cycle?
  35. What are the dangers in using an Ouija board?
  36. What do I do about my neighbor assaulting me?
  37. What are some reasons for a boy of 16 to feel sick for about a week now?
  38. Who else thinks the war between Atheists and Believers is stupid?
  39. Who has seen Kristina Sunshine Jung?
  40. Does P90X really work?
  41. When I fall, do I give up because there's no more bandages in the cupboard, or do I get up and fix it myself?
  42. Does anyone know where, and if, I can find "Louder Than Words" by Mariposa Lane Music?
  43. What's the best brand of women's boots besides Uggs?
  44. What movie title is this (read more)?
  45. How long does it take to get rid of a hicky?
  46. How can I cover up or get rid of bright red spots?
  47. Is there anything that keeps spirits away?
  48. What are some cool pics to put as your profile pic on Facebook?
  49. Why do people say cutting your wrists is a suicide attempt?
  50. What is the point of these reality shows?
  51. Why do so many people not know what a chinchilla is?
  52. Does putting sugar in Herbal Tea make it less healthy?
  53. How to make fake tattoos stay on longer?
  54. Are the Wii and the N64 power cords the same?
  55. What is vertical velocity; is that vfy or viy?
  56. How can I stop seeing myself as looking so terrible?
  57. What are some funny modern first dance songs?
  58. Why do the one dollar bills have a creepy eye on the back and the saying of a new world order?
  59. Who would you like to be tied to for a day?
  60. Do you think there is racism in football or is it just privy to the England Captain?
  61. Do you think Obama is all he portrays himself to be?
  62. What are the indications that you are in love?
  63. What causes erectile problems in teens?
  64. Is Los Angles and Los Vegas the same?
  65. Should I curl my hair with this outfit or keep it straight?
  66. What are your favorite foods and snacks to eat during fall and winter?
  67. Can I still return clothes back to Factory 2-U or Dollar Tree if I ripped the price tag off but still have the receipt?
  68. Does California have earthquakes?
  69. Would you recommend getting a bellybutton piercing?
  70. Is the Minecraft Beta 1.8 free and, if not, which one do I download?
  71. Which is safer to use on skin - sharpie or pen?
  72. What could be causing this pain in my head (read more)?
  73. What movie couples look great together?
  74. What are some really good free homeschooling programs?
  75. What gets drink stains out of carpet?
  76. What is a surreal conspiracy?
  77. What types of cardboard is safe for gerbils to chew on?
  78. Where can I find (free) Josh Groban "In her eyes" piano sheet music?
  79. What are your favourite Apps?
  80. Why is my mom treating me like this (read more)?
  81. What is the obsession with Nutella; that's all I ever see on Tumblr?
  82. Is it possible to put music onto my iPod from YouTube?
  83. How do I register my cell phone with this site?
  84. What should I get for my boyfriend if Christmas and his birthday are on the same day?
  85. How do I create a web site?
  86. How do I block someone from answering my questions?
  87. How much does an average cheap camera cost at Walmart or any nearby store?
  88. What are the best medical schools/colleges in Washington?
  89. What does "10k" and "mhj" stamped on men's gold ring mean?
  90. what the fuck is a pacific islander.? its a race buut like what type.? do anyyone up in here know.?
  91. What shoes would go good with a cute nurse costume?
  92. What is a good wine that tastes sweet (not bitter) and isn't horribly expensive?
  93. Can people with oily skin use alcohol-free toner?
  94. How much money a week do you usually make when working a part-time job?
  95. What's the best makeup look for someone with brown eyes and brown hair?
  96. How do people feel when they meet a Muslim?
  97. When will you be able to ask a question to Twilight stars from "Breaking Dawn" part 1?
  98. What do our dreams mean?
  99. How to make a popped blister heal quicker?
  100. What are some T.V shows you can watch on YouTube?