Do you think Obama is all he portrays himself to be?

Answer #1

For me there’s always been something off about him.

Answer #2

yeah know what u mean,

Answer #3

Does anyone actually believe any of todays politicians is all they portray themselves to be? I think the spin doctors, coaching staff, and script writers determine what’s allowed or not in what any of them can portray in that playing field.

Answer #4

How do you think he “portrays” himself?

Answer #5

Well, I’m from a different county so correct me if I’m wrong but, what has he actually done for America? American (and Australian) soldiers are still putting their lives on the line for ridiculous reasons and the US is still up sh!t creek when it comes to debt. So the only question here is, what does he potray himself to be??

Answer #6

totaly agree

Answer #7

That’s my question, too.

Answer #8

The problems that took many years of political neglect to surface and smack everyone in the face with…Aren’t going to be fixed in a coupleof years. And especially since there seems to be politcians on both sides of the fence who were elected to do a job in facing those issues….that instead are still campaigning for themselves and their parties since the last elections. As for why nothing is getting done…Well you have a Democratic President and a Republican House (explanation enough)

Answer #9

The problems that took many years of political neglect to surface and smack everyone in the face with…Aren’t going to be fixed in a coupleof years. And especially since there seems to be politcians on both sides of the fence who were elected to do a job in facing those issues….that instead are still campaigning for themselves and their parties since the last elections. As for why nothing is getting done…Well you have a Democratic President and a Republican House (explanation enough)

Answer #10

The two things that stand to bankrupt America long term are health care and energy. Those were President Obama’s two highest priorities. While short term our biggest problem is jobs and the deficit presidents also have to look at the big picture. President Obama is in a tough spot. When Obama was elected Mitch McConnell said his highest priority was to make Obama a one term president. The economy was in shambles, unemployment through the roof, our investment banking, mortgagers, airlines, and auto makers in danger of failing.and McConnell’s top goal was to undermine the Obama presidency. Seeing this is what President Obama was up against it is actually impressive what he has been able to do. To me Obama’s biggest weakness is his eagerness to try to work with Republicans. Republicans only want to see Obama fail so they can regain power. You can not negotiate with someone who refuses to negotiate in good faith.

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