What causes erectile problems in teens?

Answer #1

Justice, a couple of months ago you wrote elsewhere on FA that you lose your erectiôn at the time of penetration. That is very common for guys of your age (it happened to me many times when I was younger), and is generally caused by anxiety.

Think of it like this: Your mind, or one part of it, is trying to compel your body to perform in order to fulfill a desire. But your body is refusing to comply. Your body is saying, just as a potential sexual partner might say in words, “Don’t treat me like an object!”

The best thing to do is to honor the wisdom of your body. It is telling you that there is another part of you, more deeply rooted than your passionate but momentary desire, that does not want to perform this act, at this time, in these circumstances, with this partner.

Try and listen inwardly to what it has to say. You may learn important information about yourself that will ultimately help turn your sex act into true lovemaking. The first part of that learning is to love your own body, and listen to its nonverbal messages, as well as you want to be able to love and listen to your partner.

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