Sex Questions

  1. Would you be with someone you were not physically or sexually attracted too?
  2. What do you think about Christians saying that anti-bullying promotes homosexuality in kids?
  3. Is Buddhism as sexist as other religions?
  4. Should i get highlights now or should i wait?
  5. Do you feel authorities should take action against women selling their bodies on craiglist?
  6. How do you clean an electric toothbrush, like completely disinfect it and rid it of germs and bacteria?
  7. Why does my vagina smell like my boyfriend even though we haven't had sex in two weeks?
  8. Who knows if its forbidden for a Muslim girl to date or have sex with another religion before marriage?
  9. what aresome sexual games to play with guys>>?
  10. Who thinks "sexting" is wrong, and should be illegal?
  11. Who has heard the story of the boy who was brought up as a girl?
  12. Can I do something to cause labor?
  13. What do you think makes a girl a ''Woman''?
  14. What STD could this be?
  15. How does it feel if your parents walked in on you having sex or masturbating?
  16. Can an illness such as a cold affect your periods ?
  17. What do you think about people giving sarcastic answers to idiotic questions?
  18. Does this make me a hypocrite?
  19. Why are humans so pre-occupied with sex - no less now than can be seen in the records of ancient civs?
  20. What different names do you know for bisexual names?
  21. Who (both boys and girls) actually enjoys when they or their partners vaginas queef during sex?
  22. Does anyone know where I can get a free .pdf copy of Friedrich Nietzsche's "On the Genealogy of Morals"?
  23. what are some stereotypes you have to deal with in your daily life basis?
  24. What does 'pansexual' mean?
  25. Is it true that chewing on ice means you want to have sex?
  26. How likely is it for a condom to break during sex?
  27. why does my vagina hurt when i have sex and recently it looks like actual skin is peeling out of my vagina not my lips, does anyone know what this could be?
  28. What do you think of ‘Corrective rape’ of l3sbians in South Africa?
  29. how long does it take for oral steriods to work on asthmatics?
  30. what is it called when guys fall asleep after sex?
  31. How do I ask my friend for cyber sex?
  32. How can I make masterbating more intresting when I can not get a hold of a vibrator or electric tooth brush?
  33. Who actually uses a condom and the pill?
  34. Why am I always hungry after sex?
  35. How to do breast examination on my girlfriend?
  36. why does my stomach keep growin everytime i have sex?
  37. What do ya'll think of these Lyrics?
  38. How Long After Intercourse Can You Get An Accurate Result On A Home Pregnancy Test?
  39. How can I tell my family that I'm bisexual the right way?
  40. can masturbation cause cervix cancer?
  41. Why do some girls lie to guys about not being a virgin and about how many times they've had sex?
  42. is it true that sex is for grownups & not for children?
  43. What's a good reason for needing $20?
  44. what is PCS vision and how can i get it??
  45. What. Can u get an STD from having sex while the girl is on her period?
  46. What will happen if I had sex with a 19 year old and i could possibly be pregnant?
  47. What is one of the most insulting things someone has said to you?
  48. What should I do?
  49. What can do i do make my fiance realize im not a light switch - read for more details?
  50. How well does the "pull out method" work as the only form of birth control?
  51. How can I make sex less painful when using condoms?
  52. What are some sex positions (and how are they done) that a large guy about 335lbs. about 5'8" can do with a girl that is 145lbs with really, really short legs?
  53. What can be causing these weird belly feelings?
  54. How do you tell your mom that you are sexually active?
  55. What is one thing that bothers you most about the opposite sex?
  56. What is this white stuff coming out of my butt?
  57. Why is the Republican state platform plan focusing on outlawing "oral"?
  58. How does a person's body be allergic to sperm?
  59. Is it true that you can masturbate with the plastic part of a tampon????
  60. when should a transsexual mtf get an breast x-ray done if on hormones?
  61. How should i tell my little cousin that masterbating infont of people is wrong when her mom wont?
  62. does masturbating effect your penis growth at age 13?
  63. Is watching porn and masturbating wrong?
  64. how do i beat the habit of watching porn and masturbating? i don't want to be in a cycle of sinning anymore. i want to change
  65. how can i ask my mom that i wanna go birth control?
  66. would it be wise to go see a therapist or councilor?
  67. How much will it cost to get a sex change completely with hormones and the surgery, along with surgery on voice and face.
  68. What is your go too thing that always gives you more confidence and makes you feel sexy?
  69. Is having annal sex causing the ass become bigger? i mean is making it out of shape?
  70. how do i tell my mom i want to go see a ob-gyn?
  71. Why is my discharge a creamy yellow/green when i have never had sex before and how do i treat it?
  72. Why am I having thick orange discharge from my vagina?
  73. How can someone be a sex adict, do yu believe someone cn be adicted to sex or no?
  74. Would u still b concidered a virgin if you have sex with a condom?
  75. Why do you have sex?
  76. Why does my hymen hurt?
  77. Are you still a virgin if you have anal sex?
  78. Who thinks the phrase 'the lady (or man) doth protest too much' is true?
  79. What do people think about "homosexual christians" ??
  80. Why is the younger generation so interrested in going out and having sex?
  81. When do most people generally have sex?
  82. do girls think its sexy for guys to shave their legs?
  83. Where can I get a lot of free condoms?
  84. is it ok to have a sex with a girl in annal,cause she is virgin? is that causing any danger?
  85. what is the legal age limit in texas for having sex?
  86. Hi I'm 20 and I get worried sometimes that I don't get my period like normal women do.
  87. Why am I bleeding?
  88. What are some pleasureable ways for teen girls to masturbate?
  89. What can be the reason for this?
  90. What are your relationship dealbreakers, the things that you refuse to look past in a partner?
  91. Do my parents need to come wit me to get birth control?
  92. Who's parents sat them down as a teen and had the sex talk with them?
  93. How is my lower abdomen hurting when we didnt have sex an he didnt put his penis in my vagina?
  94. Can you catch an std from a baby if the parent contracted it during birth?
  95. What's the best way to masturbate? I already use my finger, and I want a much more intense experience?
  96. how many times is it normal to have sex a week in a committed relationship?
  97. how come guys only want sex and sexually stuff including nude picts from me and not relationship? :( it really annoys me
  98. What are some precautions with having sex with an older guy, when i'm only 14?
  99. When is sexual attraction most noticeable? Do people j*** o** to those whom they're sexually attracted to?
  100. WHat do i do about this guy i really like?
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