What do you think of ‘Corrective rape’ of l3sbians in South Africa?

“But it gets worse in South Africa where gay marriage is actually legal and the constitution protect sexual orientation. There, a new report–backed by the country’s Human Rights Commission–reveal increases in brutal attacks, rape and often m*rder of black l3sbians by men who refer to their actions as “corrective rape” behind the guise of trying to “cure” l3sbian women of their sexual orientation. What’s more, the state does not think it is a serious problem and the courts pretend the victims’ sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.” what is your opinion about this?

My opinion : I think its absolutely horrible & disgusting. R@ping women to cure them? Invading someones personal space & FORCING them to have sex with you, so they can “realise” they like men? What is wrong with the fuking world ? You are traumatizing these people, people who have done NOTHING wrong, people who choose to LOVE someone of their own sex. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up. You are NOT curing them, you are making them live in denial & shame. These slimy bastards deserve to die. LOVE IS LOVE, i don’t care what anyone says, love sees NO gender. I cannot imagine living in a place like this, its horrible, this doesnt even deserve to be a country. Who would ve thought that it would come to this, being mudered or raped because you love someone of the same sex. I wish someone who wasn’t lesbian would go through this, and then tell me its the right thing to do.

Answer #1

I think it’s horrible! Those men should be in j@il, r@pe is r@pe. I wish people would treat people of different sexual orientation equally it would end so much of the violence and discrimination in the world.

Answer #2

I agree with you 100%. I think it’s disgraceful and disgusting. I guess we don’t know how lucky we are to live in countries that are embracing gay rights and are starting to see the world differently. Sadly there is still no hope for these women (and men) in third world countries that are treated like this. I don’t get why somebody thinks that they have the authority to decide to ‘cure’ somebody of their chosen sexual orientation. It’s terrible.

Answer #3

It isnt just limited to SA. In Uganda, homosexuality is a capital offense, and those accused of being lesbians are often harassed, beaten, and rap.ed sometimes by the police (very often these women aren’t gay, it’s like the salem witch hunt). You’ll find the culture in Africa a little different. The idea of being with someone or marrying someone because you love them is a Western thing, and a fairly new concept. Ra.pe is quite prevalent. In one tribe/culture, it’s how men pick their wives, and so women are taught how to resist. Things are more complicated than this simply being homophobia.

Answer #4

That’s just revolting. Sometimes people make me sick. R@pe is r@pe, it doesn’t matter what the womans sexual orientation is. It’s disgusting what people do sometimes. Everyones human, no matter what. That’s why animals are better than us. They don’t r@pe and kill other animals just because they’re different.

Answer #5

oh my God! i nver heard of this hey do anybody have a link or something i can go look at? this sounds bad for real. why would anyone do that? if someone wants to be lesbian they can. and honestly gettin raped is only goin to make them want to become more of their sexuality anyway so wat’s the point of them doin that nasty dirty sht to a female

Answer #6

That’s just F*CKING awful!

Answer #7

Wouldnt that make them want to be lsbian even more? That’s just so fcked up. “Im going to r@pe you straight.” is pretty much the idea.

Answer #8

this is wrong. plain wrong.

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