what are some stereotypes you have to deal with in your daily life basis?

here are some stereotypes i found::::::: yeah i know thats a lot—- * It is a common belief in America that all other countries don’t really exist.

* I'm Brazilian, so I must have a big butt.
* I'm black so I must love fried chicken and kool-aid.
* I hang out with gays, so I must be gay too.
* I'm a Negro so I must carry a gun.
* I'm Christian so I must hate homosexuals.
* I'm German, so I must be a Nazi.
* I'm Asian so I must be a nerd that does homework 24/7.
* I'm religious, so I must shove my beliefs down your throat.
* I'm an atheist, so I must hate the world.
* I'm Colombian, so I must be a drug dealer.
* I'm into theater & art, so I must be a homosexual.
* I'm Muslim so I must be covered up at all times.
* I dress in unusual ways so I must be looking for attention.
* I'm Indian, so I must own a convenient store.
* I don't have a religion, so I must be evil and have no morals.
* I'm Mexican, so I must have hopped the border.
* I'm rich, so I must be a conceited snob.
* I'm a guy, so I must only want to get into your pants.
* I'm native American, so I must dance around a fire screaming like a savage.
* I have a bunch of girls who are friends, so I must be gay.
* I'm Cuban, so I must spend my spare time rolling cigars.
* I'm young, so I must be naive.
* Nepal is the only country that isn't circumcised.
* I'm Jamaican so I must smoke weed.
* I'm Asian so I must have a small penis.
* I'm Arab, so I must be a terrorist.
* I dye my hair crazy colors, so I must be looking for attention.
* I have straight A's, so I must have no social life.
* All Italians are in the mob.
* All Irishmen do are drink and beat their wives.
* All black people are on welfare.
Answer #1

I look young - so i must be an irresponsible teen mother. I have visable tattoos and piercings - so i must be a bad person and bad mother. I am unmarried but live with my fiance and have a child and one on the way - i must be a sl.ut and a sinner. I dropped out of college for personal reasons - i must be a quitter. Im a stay at home mom - i must be lazy. I own a handgun - i must be a bad mother. I am an athiest - so i must have no morals. I follow the theories of LeVeyan satanism - I must worship the devil. I am bisexual - so i must just be confused. Me and my fiance are swingers - so we must not love each other and cheat all the time.

Answer #2

hahah…that’s sad you got to deal with all this!

Answer #3

That i have pimples so i must be a stinky grimy person.That im the girl with not many friends so i must be lame.

Answer #4

people think that because i am single at my age means i am a closet lesbian. Not to burst their bubble but I am straight.

I love rock music and people think i smoke cigarettes. I wonder where did that come from? :s

Answer #5

haha that’s funny

Answer #6

what?O_o…that’s just crazy

Answer #7

Im filipino. People think i can sing.:( and breakdance.

Answer #8


Answer #9

why that funny? jw

Answer #10

im English therefore i talk like the queen and drink tea all day im chubby therefore i must eat loads of fast food i know alot of gay/lesbian people therefore im lesbian (im not) i hang round with racist people therefore im racist too i hang round with alot of guys therefore i have sex with all of them

yeah >.<

Answer #11

you see my friend thinks that all Asian know how to sing…to tell you the truth i did too…lol

Answer #12

wow!… O_o

Answer #13

The worst- that because I am a bit older than people I am often in contact with that I can’t understand them. Sure times have changed but my brain is still working and I enjoy the challenge of interacting with all age groups.

Answer #14

Sweet4Eva, as long as Mandyloo is happy with her lifestyle, I say live and let live- you only get one chance at the dance of life.

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