Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. Was Jesus a nice guy?
  2. What really happens after you die?
  3. Havent felt God
  4. What does it mean to be in the state of grace to Catholics?
  5. Cheap grace and costly grace
  6. I need help standing up for my faith?
  7. How to get my friend to believe in christ?
  8. I'm afraid of death.
  9. Do you devote your life to your religion?
  10. Are you afraid of haunted houses.
  11. Kenesis, does it work?
  12. Did anyone Notice?
  13. What religion has this symbol?
  14. Do you choose magic or does magic choose you?
  15. Please dont hate muslims
  16. I'm stressed out, and also not reading my scriptures.
  17. Meat-eating christians?
  18. Do you think life is created equal?
  19. Age of Universe
  20. Jewish people are only friends of themselves.
  21. Meeting other christians
  22. Why is islam the fastest growing religion
  23. What is the most followed religion in the world?
  24. His name in vain
  25. How does it feel for all of you to be baptized in your church?
  26. Have you ever fallen at church and your arms touched the floor?
  27. why is baptist water always cold?
  28. World ending on wednesday?
  29. I am I doing a sin?
  30. Is it too late for me to hold on to my faith?
  31. Was I Being Possesed?
  32. Does anyone thinks that praying actually helps?
  33. Why do so many judeo christian religions have different bibles?
  34. Has anyone encountered a ghost or spirit?
  35. Did Criss Angel sell his soul?
  36. When will the world end?
  37. I don't understand..
  38. what is compatible with a Capricorn?
  39. Jewish Calendar
  40. I keep seeing things...
  41. Star signs are forever
  42. How come some people blame god for their problems?
  43. In your learned opinion:
  44. Do you think islam is a good thing to have in your life
  45. Has anyone here ever read The Light & The Glory?
  46. God's will and the Republican National Convention
  47. What part did religion/spirituality play in the founding of America
  48. How come so many people ask about God?
  49. What is the Gnostic Gospels?
  50. Inquiring minds... want to know...
  51. How can one be born again?
  52. Does God speak in word pictures?
  53. Why did God rest on the 7th day?
  54. Are we in the middle of a Spiritual War?
  55. How Does God speak?
  56. Is god real?
  57. What does the bible say about the fear of God?
  58. How can fossils be found on high mountains?
  59. Is there any reference in the bible, to a prior civilization?
  60. According to the bible, how does this current world end?
  61. Heaven, What is it & Where is it?
  62. What do you think about the soul?
  63. Anyone a pysic
  64. damag done to cuba
  65. near death expierences, do they c ghosts?
  66. Why do I feel bad about this?
  67. ghost or no ghost?
  68. love spells
  69. New Orleans going' down again?
  70. Whatr do you think ?
  71. Do ghosts eat or hide people food?
  72. Can you be a rich buddhist?
  73. What do you know about the United Penacostal church?
  74. Have we hit the jack-pot and God has nothing to do with it?
  75. How is Muslim peaceful?
  76. Does God Punish?
  77. What do you think about wicca, any wiccans here?
  78. Why talk about God if you don't believe?
  79. What do you think god wants you to do with your career
  80. Are heaven and hell considered physical places?
  81. Whats the word for apocalypse?
  82. Scientology
  83. Can you believe in God and evolution at the same time?
  84. More than you can handle
  85. What's your sign
  86. Virgo
  87. Why god make my life like this?
  88. Bible and Eagles
  89. Can god be proven?
  90. Is it true the Catholic faith has 'no problem' with abortion ?
  91. Hard to be a Christian
  92. When you ask God "Why don't you kill me already?"
  93. What is hypnosis, and how is it performed?
  94. Gods Grace
  95. Conviction VS Condemnation
  96. What does the bible have to say?
  97. Do We have a Common Enemy?
  98. Gods Protection
  99. Spritual Warfare
  100. Do some people use their religion to judge others