I'm stressed out, and also not reading my scriptures.

I’m stressed out over my classes for college and not reading my scriptures. Since I go to church every Sunday, I don’t like to admit to one of my leaders that I haven’t kept up on my scriptures lately since I’m behind on two of my classes, and dealing with some difficult assignments with another, how can I include Mormon doctrine which is our gospel? I don’t want to tell my leader from church that I’m starting to stress out since I have a test this week on computers. Spiritually, I need to cope with stress since I don’t seem to care about anything else but, getting perfect grades in all my classes. I’m so guilty since I’m not keeping up on my scriptures. How else should I deal with this without telling anyone at church? I’m very emotional about it with everything else that’s going on with me. I deffenately don’t want to tell my leader from church what’s really bothering me since he asks me how my week has been and to make sure I’m alright. I do know that he asks me the question I feel guilty about, “Have you been reading your scriptures?” Right then and there, I’m guilty. Anyway, I went long again. I’d appreciate some advice.

Answer #1

Put you first, and don’t worry so much about what your “leader” thinks about you. There’s a lot of freedom in being looked at as a bit of a nonconformist, at little to no cost.

Answer #2

I defenetly understand where your coming form BEEN THERE HAHA! Well even if you cant read them every day , keep your mind on GOD once in a while under you breath say “ I love you lord” or something, it will atleast make you feel like your doing something for GOD! But Defenetly tell someone, it always helps, don’t hold it all in let it out! Your youth leader should very well understand “ that’s what he’s there for’!

Answer #3

Honestly, you need to tell someone. Keeping it in and keeping secrets like this is only going to make you feel worse and more stressed. I think that your leader will understand a try to help you. If you dont want to talk to him then talk to a friend you have there.

Answer #4

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!


God will forgive you for being behind on your scriptures. God knows that your college studies are important in order for you to excel and end up being a more capable servant to Him.

I would be honest with your church leader and explain that there is only so much you can do at a time and that right now you think God would approve of you trying to keep up with your college studies even if it means you have to fall behind in your scriptures for awhile.

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