Was I Being Possesed?

I fell asleep on my living room couch, and I was sitting upright. I was dreaming, but I was aware of my surroundings. In my dream I told a man that my son, and his son were alike. Then, I suddenly felt like something entered my body and I was 500 lbs. and I couldn’t move. My eyes weren’t open but I could see my fingers twitching. I fought the feeling in my mind, and I could feel it getting weaker until it snapped out of my body.

My question is…Was I being Possesed???

Answer #1

No, I couldn’t wake myself up. After thet happened, I started dreaming about a circus until my sister woke me.

Answer #2

lol…afraid of the clowns… ok thanks cthulhu!

Answer #3

oh wow acidburn…now I’m all scared and what not! lol

Answer #4

This happens a lot, jester. But this time, it was really hard on me

Answer #5

a 500 lb. alien?? wow…what kind of space food are THEY eating!? haha

Answer #6

I have been having nightmares about being possessed since I was about 13 I am now 29. this last one was real bad. my face kept changing into a demon possessed face like in the movies and I thought I was awake. I could see my room my blankets my dog everything. the sensation of not being able to move but knowing your sleeping but thinking its all real is hella cool. but I am either fighting a demon or actually possessed by the devil himself and he talks to me. (in my dream of course.) this time in my sureal nightmare he said dont even bother getting an exorcism ill come back you’ll probably die if you do. these are just dreams I never experienced anything like in my awake hours. but these dreams don’t occurr all the time but its always demonic in some way. I call to jesus usually in my dream and I wake up heart beats so fast and im back to normal. it also said this will happen to me for the rest of my life. I probably just watch to many horror films. I never told anyone this. they would think I am crazy or a baby. I am always depressed and feel a lot of anixety for no reason. my man is rich so I dont worry about money or becoming homless. I dont know. I am not always a religous person either. thank you for reading. I feel better to not be the only one who suffers at times in my sleep. not that I would want anyone to suffer it just sucks to have this be a reoccurring dream.

Answer #7

I’ve had that too, you know you are dreaming but cannot wake up, dont worry. you are not being posessed. the best thing to do is, when you know you are dreaming, take control of the dream!

Answer #8

No, you were dreaming. I’ve had similar dreams where I was levitating, just floating around in my apartment, and my surroundings seemed incredibly real, more real than the typical dream. Depending on the state of your psyche, as well as your subconscious thoughts in the minutes before you fall asleep, your dreams can take on a very real form. Just be careful…sleeping disorders such as sleepwalking can be very serious and result in bodily injury. But yours just sounds like a variation of a dream.

Answer #9

Was this something you felt as you woke? If so, it’s the classic description of a night terror, which is just an unusual state between sleep and wakefulness in which dream and reality mix. Many times you’ll be temporarily paralyzed as part of your brain is still trying to suppress movement. You can even have your eyes open, see your real room, and see dream-induced images in the room with you.

Answer #10

Heheh. I’d have been more afraid of the circus clowns, myself. :)

It just sounds like a bad dream. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Answer #11

DUUHHH!!! You were being possessed by aliens!!!

Answer #12

I have been having nightmares about being possessed since I was about 13 I am now 29. this last one was real bad. my face kept changing into a demon possessed face like in the movies and I thought I was awake. I could see my room my blankets my dog everything. the sensation of not being able to move but knowing your sleeping but thinking its all real is hella cool. but I am either fighting a demon or actually possessed by the devil himself and he talks to me. (in my dream of course.) this time in my sureal nightmare he said dont even bother getting an exorcism ill come back you’ll probably die if you do. these are just dreams I never experienced anything like in my awake hours. but these dreams don’t occurr all the time but its always demonic in some way. I call to jesus usually in my dream and I wake up heart beats so fast and im back to normal. it also said this will happen to me for the rest of my life. I probably just watch to many horror films. I never told anyone this. they would think I am crazy or a baby. I am always depressed and feel a lot of anixety for no reason. my man is rich so I dont worry about money or becoming homless. I dont know. I am not always a religous person either. thank you for reading. I feel better to not be the only one who suffers at times in my sleep. not that I would want anyone to suffer it just sucks to have this be a reoccurring dream.

Answer #13

probably! well wow that has got to be weird!

Answer #14

This one time, I was really sick (come to find out I had pneumonia) and my mom gave me some sleeping pill and I fell alseep, and I suddenly got up (I wasn’t fully awake, I couldn’t control what I was doing) and felt fat, or that fat people were sitting on me (lol), so I went into my moms room and looked at her and went into the living room and started crying and she came in there and asked me what was wrong and I told her I don’t want to die and that I love her, and I said it like a million times. And so she called my Aunt and we went to the hospital. My heart rate was really fast, and I wasn’t breathing right, so they gave me a breathing treatment and some other stuff. It was really weird. It was like three years back but I can remember everything that happened that night, even how many steps I took and what I said and how I felt. And that it was on a thursday, around 12:00 am. In November. But I can’t remember what I ate last night.

Now that I read your question, maybe I was being possessed or something?

that’s weird.

Answer #15

sounds like you were having an astral projection and something happened to be there. entities are strongly attracted to people that are more psychically aware. and yes it’s fully possible for a being to mess with you, it sounds like it tried severing the connecting cord from your astral body to your physical one, then you’d be floating off into neverlands while this one got to walk around in your shell. it is very dangerous and you should ALWAYS, ask your guardian to watch over you. especially if you project unintentionally. This being might attach it self to you without you knowing also, plague you with nightmares, disturbing images, fainting spells even effect your health. It may also try to knock you out again, since it sounds like he almost succeeded last time. although…I would say it could be a nightmare but I seriously doubt that. it affected you too much physically and it just doens’t fit the normal “bad dream” criteria. too much contact too much feeling stay safe

Answer #16

sounds a bit like sleep paraliys I used to suffer form it all the time and I’ve had pretty muche very case of it and you can feel the msot weirdest things and not be able to move an inch and aare of your surrowndingds? that sounds like a lucid dream, and lucid dreams can cause sleep paralis I used to get it a lot!

Answer #17

Well you could put salt around all of the rooms like a trail from corner to corner (all) cover each doorway and window (on the floor) and leave the front door open…command in the loud forceful voice”IN the name of Jesus Christ I command all demons, spirits and devils to leave this house and all property in the name of Jesus Christ!” Wait a few minutes to see who leaves or what leaves once you have felt at peace then close the front door closed and place salt from one side of the door frame to the other side of the door frame. …Ask a priest to come and pray in your house and go to a priest and have him pray for you…

Answer #18

if it happened only onec id say no

Answer #19


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