How to get my friend to believe in christ?

how do I get my friend to believe in christ I do and the rapture could come anyday now

Answer #1

well you cant force her and the best thing is pray to got to save her pray to give her a sign speak in tongues but dont push it on her or ull push her to far

Answer #2

If you want your friend to believe live a righteous Godly life before them. Don’t try to force anyone to believe. It is a choice for them. Just live right. If you are straddling the fence yourself they are going to want to change.

Answer #3

Lead by example rather than trying to convince them. In regards to the rapture, people have been waiting for it for 2000 years. It’s probably not coming.

Answer #4

beleive in what you want, but dont force anyone to beielve in anything how would you feel if someone tried to force you to becomne an athiest? you wouldnt like it…and they wont either if you want to convert them you obviously have no repect for there beleifs and how can you expect too be respected when you dont respect anyone else?

Answer #5

okey when do you think the rapture is coming and thanks!

Nobody knows… actually… ‘the rapture’ isn’t something ALL christians believe in.

Answer #6

r you a christian just wondering and do you have friends that dont beleive its hard cause I dont want to lose her

Answer #7

The harder you push, the further away you’re going to drive her - from yourself and from your religion. You’ll especially drive her off if you’re talking about the eminent Rapture. Many people see that as an odd belief, to say the least.

Answer #8

okey when do you think the rapture is coming and thanks!

Answer #9

If you believe praying for your friend will help, then do it. But other than that, don’t bring up the issue of religion with him.

The rapture is not a Biblical doctrine. It’s based on the interpretation of a few Protestant Christians in the 18th century, and became popular to believe in by the 19th century.

Answer #10

I see a change above! It’s “probably” not coming. Before it was …not coming, good news.

Just live like Christ, love like Christ, and give like Christ. Does she know that you love Him? And have you told her your story of how He saved you from the pit of hell? Tell her of the personhood of Our Lord. Read Proverbs 31:10 to the end to her.

Only God knows The Day of The Lord, just live for Him without fear, for, He did away with all fear the moment He said “It is finished”!

Answer #11

“r you a christian just wondering and do you have friends that dont beleive its hard cause I dont want to lose her”

I’m not, but I understand where you’re coming from. I used to believe, and I’ve been on the receiving end of these types of conversations since then. I think the best kind of discussion you can have is one in which you each explain what you believe. If you’re just letting her know where you’re coming from, and showing a genuine interest in what she thinks, she’s going to be much more likely to want to talk. If you just keep preaching at her you’re going to end up losing a friend.

Answer #12

P.U.S.H - (pray until something happens!) prayer is key! and what ally has said is just so true! if you keep on pressuring her about Crist, it’ll just have her back away from you! instead, pray for her and tell her that being christian isn’t a religion, tell her that God has given her a free will, but He’s also given her a free opertunity to have a RELATIONSHIP with Him (: tell her that it’s her choice, but don’t force her into it, instead, just tell her that Jesus is there for her whenever she’s ready, and also tell her that you pray for her! - show her how much you care as a christian and show her how much you wish she’d be saved! then leave the rest to God - and put your faith in him! (:

Answer #13

please dont force your religion on others

Answer #14

Fundamentalist christians have been expecting the rapture for, oh, about 2000 years now. It’s still scarce.

Answer #15

I know but I can help and tell her how to she is totally against it

Answer #16

Don’t! This is coming from someone who is atheist… I hate it when people try to do things like that to me. everyone has there own reasons that they belive or don’t belive in something. so dont bother. it shouldnt matter,

Answer #17

u need to take it slowly and work with that person making it comfy for them but yet getting your point across.

Answer #18


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