I keep seeing things...

I keep seeing these cloaked figures out of the corners of my eyes…I also keep seeing this black cat go around a corner in my house and go down the steps but when I run to go look and check the stairs nothing is there..I also keep seeing the times : 12:12 , 11:11 , and 10:10 , On every clock…its weird. I been seeings things like this since I was 10. I just want to know what is wrong with me. Am I having hallutionations? or what? D:>

Answer #1

It can be a gift or it can be a mental issue. It all depends. Do some research on paranomal activity and clarvoient/mediums and also on scizophrena. (My spelling is horride today) if you have a special gift learn to embrace it. If you have a mental disorder get medication. Its hard to figure out which one it can be sometimes. Good luck hun. And if you need any more advice fun mail me.

Answer #2

Try getting some more sleep too. When youre tired your eyes play tricks on you.

Answer #3

Maybe there some coincidence in something watching you as goes for those #’s.I don’t think you have mental disorder but you could explain that to psychiatrist. You could very much value these interesting things happening to you, your in your bubble, take care

Answer #4

…and for Ra’s sake, don’t pay any attention to the religious mumbo jumbo others here have posted. You have a medical problem that requires medical attention. The last thing you need is some kind of voodoo scam artist involved.

Answer #5

show them that you know their there and you want them to stop pray and ask why don’t be scared because you need to have power over it your life you controle it basicly don’t let them f*ck with you

Answer #6

yea sounds like a supernatural thing. I have a lot of expirence with thingd like this. funmail me and tell me more and ill try to help

Answer #7

I have the same thing but I see bats and a little girl in a dress that will only wave to me she has never talked to me I used to wake up at 6;22 every morning and I have weird dreams I just thought I was skystophranic but I don’t know and if you ask them to go away they dont. I tried

Answer #8

It’s a gift. The things you see are not alive. There is nothing wrong with you. Just keep it to yourself. If it scares you… talk to them/it and ask nicely to go away and please leave you alone. I know lots of people who can see stuff, myself included.

Answer #9

Telling consular will be of no use, & if you tell a priest they’ll think you’re possessed honestly if you want help consult a spiritualist, a pagan, witch, etc you can find them in flea markets & online sites They will be able to help you I’ve seen things myself, but not like that people see different things, lol But I guess one way you can interpret it is to think what those signs mean to you & interprete it that way.

Answer #10

you could ask your mom to set up an eye appointment for you cause it might just be your eyes

Answer #11

um I’d tell someone! or c someone bout that! its scary and not normal…um ya I would get help! well good luck!

Answer #12

—If I tell my parents or guidance counsler ( we have a couple at school , and I dont know any other counselers other than the ones at school ) My parents will tell me “ Val,this is stupid, stop making these things up!” ( I have already told them a million times ) and the guidance people will take me away from my family, because they think people that see those things worship the devil and do drugs. ( seriously, I knew a kid at school and he kept seeing the things I saw and he told them since he kept acting up in class, and they took him away from his parents, and put him in fostercare. And the foster care where I live, abuses the kids. Seriously, my mum used to go to foster care where I live and she told be she got abused. And I know for a fact that the people that were woking there when my mum was 14 is the people who are there now. <:C, so I dun wunna go there D: )

Answer #13

It sounds to me like you are probably having false memories - these are memories that result from dreams. They are every bit as realistic as ordinary memories, because they are ordinary memories - just acquired in an extraordinary way.

People who have them will swear up and down they are real memories. They will seem just as real as your memory of reading this post, or of what you just ate. Except, they make no sense in the real world - which is what gives them away as false memories.

Arm yourself with information from medical sites about this condition, and present it to your parents. Once they realize you may have a real medical issue and are not just making up stories, they will probably take you seriously. And if they don’t, then present the same case to your school counselor. They will take you seriously, and since you’ve provided them with a case for a medical condition, will almost certainly treat it as such.

Even if it turns out NOT to be false memories, you will have been analyzed by medical professionals to make that determination - which is what you need to happen.

Answer #14

ya you should tell SOME ONE about this. tell me how it gos

Answer #15

ooo that’s scary. If it bothers you go to a religious leader in your church or something and have the house blessed. If anything blessing the house would at least be comforting. Or if your not religious then read up on different spirits and just try to figure out what it could be if they’re not hallucinations.

Answer #16


just kidding lol!

That is abnormal, did something happen in your life? Like a dream, a movie, something in Halloween that scared you when you were young?

First tell your parents or Guidance Counselor (if u’ve got one)

Then if need be (I hope not) see a psychiatrist?

Answer #17

The clock thing could be explained be selective memory. You look at clocks all the time, and see differnt times, but you only remeber the times when you see 12:12 11:11 and 10:10.

As for the seeing things it could be a type of déjà vu, where by a small flicker out the corner of your eye can trigger memorys of this cat or cloaked figure. Might sound a bit farfetched, but if you think how weird déjà vu feels I think you’ll agree it’s quite possible.

Answer #18

well if you believe in like ghosts, spirits and all that maybe you are seeing that kind of stuff. You say its always around your house? Do you live in an old house maybe something happened there along time ago. Check into it…I believe more people are intune with that kind of stuff than others, look up about it

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