I don't understand..

I am Catholic. There are soem things that I do not agree with in my faith. My grandmother who is baptist and is extremely religious tells me that akk you have to do is accept Jesus as your savior and you will go to heaven. I dont see how that could be so. Shes like no ammount of good works will get you into heaven, but I dont agrree. That being said a muderer could murder a million people and be a complete pyshcopath but accept Jesus as his savior and go to heaven… I also don’t understand why my faith says Jesus always forgives everyone if they really want forgivness and ask for it. So that means a person can go out and cheat on his wife with 10 different women if he wanted, but at the end of his escipade ask for forgivness and be forgiven. Las time I checked that was one of the commadments: do not covit your neighbors wife. I mean little mistakes like lying about doing your homework or being somewhere your not suppose to be and then realize youve done something wrong and ask for forgivenes is understandable, but things like murder, rape, burgalary-I dont understand how that can be forgiven. I try to look at people as creations fo God, but I would never look at a murderer or rapist like that.

Answer #1

maddie1414: “The Catholics do not believe that the only way to get into Heaven is to be baptized. Yes, it’s an important part of our faith signifying that our parents want to raise us this way and so we understand that we will be forgiven of our since since Jesus died for us.”

Don’t take my word for it:

“Theologians distinguish a twofold necessity, which they call a necessity of means (medii) and a necessity of precept (præcepti). The first (medii) indicates a thing to be so necessary that, if lacking (though inculpably), salvation can not be attained. The second (præcepti) is had when a thing is indeed so necessary that it may not be omitted voluntarily without sin; yet, ignorance of the precept or inability to fulfill it, excuses one from its observance.

Baptism is held to be necessary both necessitate medii and præcepti. This doctrine is rounded on the words of Christ. In John 3, He declares: “Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he can not enter into the kingdom of God.” Christ makes no exception to this law and it is therefore general in its application, embracing both adults and infants. It is consequently not merely a necessity of precept but also a necessity of means. “ The Catholic Encyclopedia on Baptism

You can also read the decrees various popes church officials on the subject: catholic.com/library/Necessity_of_Baptism.asp

“The Body Of Christ is also important, but not essential. You can still go to Heaven (and I’m sure many do) who have never tasted the Body of Christ or who have stopped taking it for some reason or another.”

You’re partially right here. I forgot to mention that communion is not regarded as necessary for children under the age of reason:

“In the first sense a thing or action is necessary because without it a given end cannot be attained; the eye, e.g. is necessary for vision. The second sort of necessity is that which is imposed by the free will of a superior, e.g. the necessity of fasting. As regards Communion a further distinction must be made between infants and adults. It is easy to prove that in the case of infants Holy Communion is not necessary to salvation, either as a means or as of precept. Since they have not as yet attained to the use of reason, they are free from the obligation of positive laws; consequently, the only question is whether Communion is, like Baptism, necessary for them as a means of salvation.” The Catholic Encyclopedia on The Blessed Eucharist as a sacrament

You’re also right that there is controversy as to how often communion is required. From the same article:

“Since Christ has left us no definite precept as to the frequency with which He desired us to receive Him in Holy Communion, it belongs to the Church to determine the Divine command more accurately and prescribe what the limits of time shall be for the reception of the sacrament. In the course of centuries the Church’s discipline in this respect has undergone considerable change. Whereas the early Christians were accustomed to receive at every celebration of the Liturgy, which probably was not celebrated daily in all places, or were in the habit of Communicating privately in their own homes every day of the week, a falling-off in the frequency of Communion is noticeable since the fourth century. Even in his time Pope Fabian made it obligatory to approach the Holy Table three times a year, viz, at Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost, and this custom was still prevalent in the sixth century”

Answer #2

OKAAYYY! =) I’m almost laughing at this. (not at you, just at the fact that we have such a different veiw of this church)

you are looking at the old Catholic faith. I guess my church is not completely the same as the other Catholic churches you’ve experienced. We take a simpler look at God. Seeing what’s important and not focusing on small details. I would never expect my priest to say something like “If you don’t eat this Body of Christ; you go to hell.” and honestly if he ever did I would be SHOCKED, but he never does because God doesn’t judge you so fiercly. Forgive me if this is too bold, but it seems to me like you’re a little bit scared of God? Forgetting that He loves us and doesn’t focus on minor details? To me, God is a friend. One who knows your past, present, future, faults and still loves you exceedingly. and anyone who does that would not send you to hell due to not getting receiving the Body of Christ. I here I’m posting the simpler quotes that I believe truly matter.

Perhaps Jesus’ most famous words:

“Then said Jesus, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do …” ~Luke 23:34~

Emphasizing the important thing:

“For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.” ~1 John 3:11~

and my favorite:

It is done unto you as you believe.”

  • Matthew 9:29

‘nuff said. haha

Answer #3

God knows your heart & yes everyone has to accept Jesus as their Personal Lord & Savior, follow a good christian path, be Christ like, ask God to help you forgive others also is a must,

I always have wondered about that also about murderes/rapists/adultress etc, if they know what they are doing is wrong but do it anyway then think they need to ask God to forgive them & everything is fine then go back next day & do it all over again then I think No, they will not be saved!

if one seriously are Sorry for a crime they have commited & want to change, again God knows their Hearts & they ask for forgivness & start their Christian Journey & do everything by the Book then they will be saved!

I have to take my kids to school so this has been rushed but if you ever need to talk I’m here for you, I’m also a Christian (4 years now) & its the best thing I ever did- acceptiong jESUS as my Personal Lord & Savior, I love my Journey, it has its ups & downs but I now have a better understanding about Life!!

Bless you & hope to catch up soon x

Answer #4

You make a good point and it’s true that if you question God’s ways you are really growing in your faith so good job.

what you have to understand is that we don’t understand. :) haha God created every person equally and even though they have done evil things it doesn’t mean they are not “worthy” of Him. The truth is that God loves ALL of us even if we rape, murder, etc.

I’ve read in the Bible something that really confused me, but in a way it makes sense. All sins are equal. Murder is just as bad as cheating on a test. because it doesn’t matter WHAT you do. what’s important is that you went against God and that’s what is bad.

When I read what you had to say honestly it made me a little sad. it’s just that somebody in my family has made a some pretty big mistakes, but he/she is getting so much better and accepting God. and I think that’s really what counts. if you WANT to go to Heaven and become a better person than you can. no matter your past.

hope I helped. :) -maddie

Answer #5

maddie1414: “I’ve read in the Bible something that really confused me, but in a way it makes sense. All sins are equal. Murder is just as bad as cheating on a test. because it doesn’t matter WHAT you do. what’s important is that you went against God and that’s what is bad.”

Many people actually view the Bible as saying that some sins are worse than others.

For example: “Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.” John 19:11

or even more poignant: “And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” Matthew 12:31-32

“I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.” Mark 3:28-29

“And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.” Luke 12:10

Answer #6

Oddly enough, the requirements for gaining entrance into Heaven according to Catholicism are almost exactly those aspects of the religion you reject. According to Catholics, the only requirement you likely meet is that you’ve been baptized in the Catholic church.

Catholicism sees good works as extensions of the teachings of Christ. The works do purify your soul in a way, but they themselves aren’t enough. Catholics will say that what really earns you entry to heaven is the grace of God. It’s only through his will that you’re made worthy.

Another requirement according to dogma is that you have no mortal sins staining your soul when you die. According to these beliefs, the only way to absolve you of these sins is through confession with a priest.

The last big requirement is that you attend mass weekly in order to receive the body of Christ.

Of course you’re free to make up your own mind, but you should probably know what you’re rejecting according to your religion’s belief system. You might want to talk with your priest. I’m sure he can explain the reasoning behind these ideas much better than an ex-Catholic like me.

Answer #7

well, as someone apparently being “controlled” by the Catholic faith, I would like to say I am perfectly happy and somehow I do manage to enjoy life. I even manage to enjoy those “boring” hours spent each week at church.

hope03, in response to your question, maybe you need to stop and think that it is for God to judge people, not you. Yes, there are bad people in the world who have done terrible things but none of us are perfect and we need to focus on improving ourselves rather than being unforgiving toward others. Hard to do, but thats just how it is. If we cant forgive others, how can we expect to be forgiven when we screw up as we inevitably will at some point in time. As for the good works thing, they cant hurt but its not what gets us into heaven. Later on you mentioned confession. We confess our sins to a priest because it says in the bible that we must confess our sins both to God and man. You also said you find church boring. I go to a church which still has all the Catholic tradition but is predominately made up of young university students so our services have a lot more energy and I actually really enjoy them.

Answer #8

sigh well I guess I can’t speak for the entire Catholic faith, but part of my point was that not ALL Catholics believe that and you were judging them unfairly.”

Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you need to exactly adhere to doctrine in order to be Catholic, or that I speak for all Catholics. I was just trying to explain the official position.

Answer #9

if you really want some truthful answers based on actual facts then you should watch zeitgeist. youtube it or go to the website. zeitgeist movie dot com.. (guess you can tell you have to put that together)..won’t allow you to put web addresses on here. please watch it and tell me what you think..

Answer #10

I agree with you completely.

Look up information about Islam. In Islam you aren’t automatically forgiven, and you don’t ask a prophet for forgiveness, you ask God, and you have to be sincere about it or he will not accept your repentance.

Pm me if you need info.

Answer #11

Like confesssing your sins to a priest, and going to boring mass sessions. im sorrry but church is boring in the catholic faith, I dont understand why we cant have fun in church, or almost worshipijng the pope and putting him on a holy level-hes just a person to me, and having nuns and preists and what have you not being able to marry.

Answer #12

sigh well I guess I can’t speak for the entire Catholic faith, but part of my point was that not ALL Catholics believe that and you were judging them unfairly.

you make a good point, but all of your quotes said the same thing “One who execrates against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.” so maybe that’s true. I don’t entirely believe so.

Answer #13

If I cheated on my wife with 10 different women, I would be far more worried about my wife’s reaction than that of any god.

Answer #14

o I agree with faith it the instution of religion I have a problem with] They have used this sacret word to control others for centeries

Answer #15

to be honest in my opinion the Catholic faith is way to rigid. How do you enjoy life. I understand the Catholic excuess but not the reason behind it all.

Sorry truly dont mean to offend but its what I think

Answer #16

Hmm… I must disagree stongly with what the person who cthulhu said. I respect your ideas, but I think you are judging the Catholic faith unfairly and would like to speak up for it.

The Catholics do not believe that the only way to get into Heaven is to be baptized. Yes, it’s an important part of our faith signifying that our parents want to raise us this way and so we understand that we will be forgiven of our since since Jesus died for us.

As for the Grace Of God you are pretty much right. but the Grace Of God is easy to recieve because God loves us sooo much already.

The Body Of Christ is also important, but not essential. You can still go to Heaven (and I’m sure many do) who have never tasted the Body of Christ or who have stopped taking it for some reason or another.


Answer #17

I went to a catholic school from 5 years to 16 years and I haven’t gone near a church since (except a spiritualist church / weddings and funerlas)

I don’t agree with any religion that rules by fear…I don’t agree with someone asking for forgiveness and being ‘let in’ to the pearly gates…what’s the point of being good if in your last hour asking for forgiveness means all your sins wil be forgiven??

there are many things I don’t agree with, my observation of catholic school was one of hypocracy…and you were judged by your attendance at church rather than what you did out of it!

bravo to you, not for rebelling against it, but for looking on it from a judgemental logical perspective…I’m sure, if god gave voice, he would be saddened by the injustice that humans to oneanother in his name…religion has a lot to answer for!

Answer #18

“I would never expect my priest to say something like ‘If you don’t eat this Body of Christ; you go to hell.’ and honestly if he ever did I would be SHOCKED, but he never does because God doesn’t judge you so fiercly. Forgive me if this is too bold, but it seems to me like you’re a little bit scared of God? Forgetting that He loves us and doesn’t focus on minor details? To me, God is a friend. One who knows your past, present, future, faults and still loves you exceedingly. and anyone who does that would not send you to hell due to not getting receiving the Body of Christ.”

Oh no, those were never my positions. :) I pretty much agreed with your interpretation when I was a believer. I think that view might even be in the majority among Catholics in the US.

Answer #19

In regard to the OP, it’s good that you question the things of your religion that make no sense to you. It’s obviously nonsense for a god to obsess over whether or not people believe in him to such a degree, that it’s really all that matters. Does he suffer from Santa syndrome* perhaps?

So now that you’ve realized that some of what you’ve been taught is obviously bunk, what’s stopping you from questioning the rest, which is all obviously nonsense?

  • Santa syndrome: the widely dispersed meme involving mythical creatures, which places concern for belief in them as paramount
Answer #20

oh I guess I didn’t explain my quotes very good. let’s see here…

I chose the first to show that Jesus’ has let us be forgiven by giving us these words. and it is why we are forgiven (if we want to, truly want to be)

I chose the second because I was just stating God’s main rule: Love One Another and showing that the big picture is sometimes what counts most.

I chose the third (my all time favorite) because because it shows that BOTH OF US will go to Heaven if we truly believe that we are doing the right thing and have good intentions. Even if our faith is very different.

Answer #21

jester_x: “to be honest in my opinion the Catholic faith is way to rigid. How do you enjoy life. I understand the Catholic excuess but not the reason behind it all.”

Well even if you don’t believe, you have to admit that tradition is an important part of religion. It brings people together; they all come together to celebrate the same sacraments and ceremonies. Traditions can also provide something to hold on to when you’re in times of need. The Catholics just emphasize this aspect more than most other branches of Christianity. You’re view really just depends on what you’re used to.

Answer #22

I just to be the best person you can be. I’m not religious, but if I was I’d focus on the good things about my religion. Like helping others, being kind, and such.

There are many crazy rules in the bible that people overlook. (can’t sit in a chair after a menstrating woman sat there) I think that if you’re going to try to follow the bible/religion no matter what you’re going to have to pick and choose what to focus on. Try to focus on the stuff about just being a better person. Instead of the hateful, guilty, and homophobic parts.

Answer #23

Early Christians, including Paul, believed good works were a necessary part of one’s salvation. This influenced Catholic teachings. The Protestant Reformation changed all of that by teaching that salvation completely depends on the idea of God’s grace as offered through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Every belief that you and your family members have talked about has a human history to it. None of it was decided by God, it was all decided by man. I would encourage you to research and determine your own views, rather than those handed down to you by church and family.

Answer #24

What sorts of things from Catholicism do you not agree with?

Answer #25

ummm, wow that last comment shocked me. Dude seriously find God!

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