Do some people use their religion to judge others

Do some people use their religion to judge others and do some want to convert you?

Answer #1

Religion or no religion - they both judge.

Answer #2

As a Christian we are taught to be on gaurd, so that we are not led astray. We have to learn discernment. We are expected to examine the fruits of a person life, so that we know where they stand spiritually. This is part of the training that God puts each Christian thru.

None are exempt.

We are also taught to walk in love, one to another, inasmuch as possible, for each one of us. As we are all at a different place in our walk.

We are to pray one for another, continually. We are to seek God, thru his Word, and his Spirit. Continually. If we see something amiss, we are to take it to God in prayer.

We are to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, in discerning what he would have us to do, in each situation. We are not to be led of the flesh.

Flesh reacts, spirit responds.

Our judgement is always to be tempered with love, from the Holy Spirit.

We are to continually reach out to those around us, in love.

We are to teach, and admonish. To exhort. To encourage. To defend. To instruct in righteousness. If we are filled with the Spirit, we will continually be giving out.

God sustains us, thru his spirit. And it is his good pleasure, for us to share what we have, with the world around us. This is his way of extending his love toward mankind, that have not previously had an encounter with him.

He is continually drawing man, to himself.

He uses everything at his disposal.

We are to use righteous judgement in all things.

The final judgement of a mans soul, belongs only to God.

He has not given us that right, it is reserved for him.

And will be executed, by him.

Not us.

We are his witnesses, he is the judge.

Answer #3

It has been my observation for many many years that the ones who claim to be Catholic, are the most judgemental people in the world!!

Answer #4

A majority of theists that know I believe in nothing say really rude things to me and try to convince me that there truly is a god. My dance coach tried for hours, but she was not rude in any way. Many of the people who work at and attend my public high school have a big problem with atheists and like to let us atheists know, along with the satanists and agnostics. My friend wore a shirt that said ‘vote for satan’ on picture day and had to turn in inside out for his picture was taken. The guy in line after him had a shirt on with a HUGE cross on it and nothing was said to him… People are freely prejudice to the nonbelievers. It’s easy for them. People of any religion judge; there is no question to it.

Answer #5

yes, and they do it quite foten almost every religion that beleive is a god will do it mostly christians out of all of them how often is it that you see an athiest telling evryone not to beleive in god …pretty much never the only time thye say that is when they get bombarded with other people telling them to beleive in something else a lot of christians and other religions dont respect religions that arnt there own most of the time they just say thats ok, and then something like, god bless, or I hope you make the right choice, ect without respect other people will get none but yes…we live in a world full of religious people who need to preach they actually need people who dont beleive in there religion becayuse if we al beleived in the same thing theyd have no one to try to convert

Answer #6

a lot of religions Judge others. namly christanity. Wicca however dosn’t judge others. theres a point where all this “we are just looking out for your soul” stuff is nothing more than judgement and condemment

Answer #7

I see that Christians always try to get other people to follow them And if they don’t then they tell them that what they believe is wrong and that they are right.

I find Christians are sometimes the most judgemental.

Answer #8

All the time. It’s ridiculous. How am I suddenly going to believe in God when someone tells me “GOD LOVES YOU”? Religion is so extremely personal, if you find a place for religion in your heart and life, good for you but don’t try to shove it in mine. Silverwings, you are full of poop and the kind of overzealous idiot that thinks more highly of his religion than those around him.

That makes you an elitist and a pompous bastard, deep down inside you believe that you are worth more than a non-believer and so you feed your superiority complex with religion.

If there is a God, he would be disgusted by your approach to life and belief.

Answer #9

in the end its about personality of the person, really. some people respect others decisions and let them be, while others don’t. doesn’t really matter the religion. if someone is anti motorcycle, they may either press upon you to stop riding your bike, or respect your decision, and just keep themselves off the bike. so if you are that type of pushy person, then feeling strongly about something as important as religion, can make you somewhat fanatic if you let it take you there, or shall I say, you take yourself there.

Answer #10

yes, they do. There is nothing wrong and no one can say for deffinate that god / jesus ect. doesnt exist or never existed. But a lot of people want to convert you and sometimes they won’t leave you alone if you go to their church like once.

Answer #11

it depends on how the person acts about there religion and how you carry yourself if you say you are a christian and people see you dancing in clubs and doing ungoddly thing thats when people judge you

Answer #12

Yes. Many religiously inclined people seem to use their religion primarially as a platform to judge those who believe or act differently. Witness the homophobia expressed by many fundamentalist christians as just one example.

You could also argue, of course, that people tend to simply use religion to justify their existing predilections.

Answer #13

yes, they do, all too often. ones beliefs, belong to that person. however, some believe they are right, and feel the need to constantly convince you that you’re wrong. some people just don’t know when to quit. smh. by saying their religion is right, hence, your beliefs are wrong, they say you’re not educated or “in the right faith” as some have stated.

Answer #14

Accidental double post, can’t delete it for some reason

Answer #15

There are judgemental people in all areas of beliefs. There are Christians who do not push or judge though. Just look above at amblessed’s reply. I see no judgement there, just a desire to help people.

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