Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. What is the difference between Christianity and Islam???
  2. Expected from Mormon Woman ??
  3. is it bad luck for albanian/muslims to datee?
  4. Mormon Clothing ???
  5. relegion change
  6. Joseph Smith ... ?
  7. Rich Mormons
  8. Door Knockin Mormons Missionaires
  9. do you know if the mormons can drink coffee .
  10. gentleman policy
  11. Why is god refered to as a man?
  12. Where in the bible does it say you must take the bible literally?
  13. mormon
  14. Has Anyone Given Anything Up For Lent?
  15. can you belive in God and still be gothic
  16. Weird dreams for no reason
  17. Mayan calendar
  18. Is 2011 the end of the world?
  19. Will parents Curse fall on Children?
  20. Why do christian aid help people ?
  21. my mom is forcing me to go to church...
  22. prayers the priest says when he marrys a couple?
  23. Church grounded?
  24. choose a religion-EVERYONE
  25. giving up for lent?
  26. catholic and I just ate meat ( ash wendsday) ?
  27. Obama talks chip in hand
  28. Me and Jesus: Our "relationship"?
  29. Jesus Christ's middle name?
  30. dates of lent?
  31. Wiccan love spells
  32. Aliens and religion
  33. Love spells or any kind of spells work.
  34. If I'm not religious...?
  35. Favorite bible verses?
  36. Bible verses about relationships?
  37. Is it ok for an Atheist and a Christian to date?
  38. Joshua Harris
  39. love spells wicca
  40. Supernatural
  41. To be or not to be Wiccan?
  42. haunted house
  43. Wicca/atheist
  44. How can I build up enough courage to tell my parents im wiccan?
  45. What are some good spell casting websites for teens?
  46. How do I tell my parents that I am a wiccan?
  47. Why son instead of daughter?
  48. is there another life who made god
  49. Bible verse?
  50. Non Muslims and Christians
  51. what do I do when I start to grow away from God?
  52. HOW should I tell my parents that I am a practicing wiccan?
  53. Christians/Theism?
  54. muslim women hajib
  55. turning someone else into a vampire
  56. wicca and my parents
  57. christian songs
  58. what is the difference between a wiccan and a witch?
  59. An Atheist view of two Gods...
  60. Religion? What the piont?
  61. The LDS (mormon) Religion...
  62. Psychic help needed soon!!!
  63. Carma
  64. if everyone you knew didn't actually exist
  65. Good luck charm I can make my friend
  66. Why did Pope reinstate a Catholic Bishop who denies Holocaust
  67. Law of Attraction??help !?
  68. Psychic channeling questions...need help fast!
  69. Going to hell for suicide
  70. Porn and mastrubation is it a sin, where does it say in the bible?
  71. Do you believe in Fate?
  72. False gods
  73. some help please -- paranormal!!
  74. Why Religion?
  75. Is there Satan?
  76. Parteners religion
  77. God's power
  78. Im going out with a Christian girl.
  79. Religion vs Parents
  80. Do I even understand my own religion?
  81. Is seventh day adventist a cult
  82. Is this wrong?
  83. doubting your own excistance
  84. What you think About Holy Qur'an...?
  85. can I still go 2 heaven?
  86. What are you more thankful for?
  87. to give myself to the lord before it my time
  88. Psychics Mediums etc
  89. Good Christian Songs?
  90. Teaching creationism in public schools
  91. Proof of jesus
  92. Is there really a god?
  93. What are spells to become a real witch?
  94. greek mythology
  95. once I talked
  96. All about satan.
  97. Christian's Heaven Question
  98. Poltergeist ghost haunts me
  99. Jews going to Heaven
  100. I think I got a ghost living with me