How do I tell my parents that I am a wiccan?

My parents are catholic and not very understanding. My mother refers to wicca as “dark withy stuff” I need to tell them so that I can practice freely. Please I want them to know today but I am so scared. I know that they will still love me but I am a very sensitive person and I don’t want them to be angry with me how should I tell them? (I have asked this before but didn’t get very good answers) please don’t say things like “wicca is fake” of “turn away from the darkness” or your not a real wiccan. Thank you for all helpful advice.

Answer #1

I am wiccan too. I also decided not to tell them. The hardest part to hide is saying “Hey mom/dad I am gonna go and buy some colored candles and maybe some nice herbs while I am at it!” and im sorry what happened with infoholic, that person doesn’t even know what they’re talking about. blessed be!

Answer #2

YOu just need to sit dow with them, be totally serious and tell how much this means to ou and if they dont respect that then they dont respect you as the individual you are! And I’m just really curious, can you tell me what wicca is? I’m not judging or trying to find reason for disliking it I just really want to know what its about:)

Answer #3

I haven’t & won’t… So if anyone has any advice for ME TOO I’d be VERY greatful!

Answer #4

How come when those with alternative beliefs such as wicca are confronted with the truth they scream bigot/hater/etc? Please consider the response given to you without thinking “prejudice” or “hater”. I hate no one, and I know wicca like satanism/left hand paths/other occult beliefs only bind people to the unfruitful worker/workers of darkness. The power those in the occult experience is nothing compared to the absolute power of the true and living God as revealed in His word - the Bible!

God is love and satan came to deceive/steal/kill and destroy.

Why would anyone want to be on the side of darkness where fear/deception/confusion/false powers/rebellion/selfishness/immorality/etc become your cruel masters?

God showed His ultimate love for you when He sent His only Son (Jesus) to live the perfect life we could never live; then to die in our place and rise again after death thereby proving Himself to be fully God and fully man. Therefore He alone is able to forgive us of all our sins and by trusting in Jesus we can enter into a God-centered eternity when we leave this life. Please don’t be mad at me for I am just a messenger. You should be made at the devil and his demons for deceiving you!

Please find a local Bible believing church and go to their midweek or Sunday service. Give your heart to Jesus while you still have time! You will recall these very words in the future, so please consider very carefully what was said!

Answer #5

As they are your parents, they should understand you and how you feel and the fact that you want to make your own decisions. Have you previoulsy been a catholic? Most people follow the religion of their family and the religion they have grown up around, and your parents probably expected you to do the same. So it will probably be quite shocking to them to hear that you have decided to become a Wicca. I am a catholic, and so is my family, but I completely understand why someone would turn away from the catholic faith. Sit your parents down together and tell them you have something important to say that has been on your mind for a while. Explain something like ‘I need you to listen to this, and to support me, and I know it’s going to be hard for you. But I have decided ot become a Wicca, and I wish to practice freely. Please don’t get angry with me, as I’ve thought about it for a while and I feel that it’s the right decision for me’ I hope that helps and that it goes ok!

Answer #6

There are roads in life we follow down - your choice - my opinion, that’s a negative, dangerous road.

Answer #7

Infoholic,I am catholic,I’m becoming aspect of the bible states :judge and you will be judged.Wicca is older than Christianity.if god (Christian ) is soo great why must we fear him for his love and even if we are ‘cleansed’ by baptism he not communicate?whereas with Wicca you feel and see what you praise and worship?

Answer #8

A note to All you Christians, SHUT UP! One of you even said that Wicca was born off the bible. Bullshit! The while bible is one big rewrite of ancient Greek and mesopotamian tales! Wiccan tales! The bible was written off the stories of Wicca. Look it up,noah and theflood is an exact rewrite of the mesopotamian legend of Ut-Napishtum chosen by the God Ea to build an ark. Get your facts right you ignorant Christians.

Now for an answer 2 the question. I have been a witch for over a year now and I have decided to wait and tell my parents that I’m Wiccan when I go to college. Or not tell them at all and practice freely in college. I Haven’t decided witch yet.

Answer #9

Back when I was thinking about converting to wicca, I told my mom, who’s protestant. She freaked out and said “What!?” I asked her why the big reaction and she said it sounded like a cult. The irony here of course is that cults are very organized and wicca is one of the least organized religions out there, especially esoteric wicca, which I practice. Another interesting fact is that some wiccans do worship jehovah and jesus as deities. I sometimes ask both to banish negative forces from my space.

 Really just sit down and tell them is all I can think, but then again, you have to follow the Rede. Will telling them just make them worry about your soul? How much harm will this do and how much good will it do? You're the one who knows your parents and you're best equipped to answer these questions.
Answer #10

@infoholic. Christians like you put shame to the religion a commandment states not to take husband in vain I.e. Not to say his name for vanity.I am catholic becoming Wiccan because wicca is a mote believeable faith as it was here long before Christianity.why nit worship the land the sky the seas,everything around you rather than a god who you have to fear for him to love is not satanic as satanism and paganism are opposites of a spectrum @mexxy I know the dilemma your in I say to be sure you want Wicca for your rest of life before telling your parents.

Answer #11

you think that I would change my religion from catholicism to wicca without “comparing” them first? I already have and in my opinion the whole bible is BS! you said “when candles light automatically” who said they could light automatically? that’s impossible! satan demons and anything like that is completely and utterly fake! yes I do believe that there are energies all over the universe (deal with it) but I do not remember saying that they had no “personality”. addressing the fig tree: so you are now saying that god will judge people? what about giving people another chance or “forgiving all sins” after all don’t you christians believe that “jesus loves us all”?

all respect gone, -mexxy

Answer #12

My advice is not to tell them. It’s easier to learn how to keep secrets than it is to deal with the certain irrational response you will receive.

Answer #13

My friend and I have the same prob, her parents are so Chistian that they think Wicca is just to worship the devil( I mean, have they even looked up what wicca really is). My parents never really know what’s really going opn in my life. So my advice is… if they are not cool with you being wicca that’s their prob not yours. Do what you love but be carful of the parents. If your mom is aginst it tell her what wicca really is,tell her to look at the net is she doesn’t belive u. Wiccans rock! Wiccan Lover

Answer #14

My research was not biased. I researched Wicca from all viewpoints and I decided that it isn’t what the majority seem to believe. It is my opinion. You, however, are free to think that we are corrupted by the devil or whatever. That is your opinion. Just keep it to yourself. We let you believe what you choose, and so you should do the same for us.

(to mexxy) It’s ok. Anytime.

Answer #15

infoholic- Exscuse ME! I am wicca and your bible is Wrong Wicca is NOT a evil religion NOT N-O-T NOT and evil religion. We do good magick to help people not destroy you are just a closed-minded person and if you did so actual resurch on wicca that wasn’t in your bible (which by the way is a book writen by man for man)then you would most likely agree with me and just for you these are somethings you are wrong about us. 1 we do not worship satan! 2 we love on hate 3 we do not sacrific animals or other humans 4 we don’t curse people 5 we don’t hate christians just cuzz 6 you don’t have to “save” us because we don’t believe what you you believe and probally never will 7 and agian WE DO NOT WORSHIP SATAN!!! 8 we don’t fly on broomsticks to get around (but don’t I wish it would be so much easyer then a bike) 9 all of us don’t have black cats (I do but he is my bestfriend not an evil black cat) 10 we don’t make potions to kill!!

I would write more but I’m gonna be late for tonites ritual and if I’m late again elder mia might put me up for disscussion again on my tartyness

Answer #16

infoholic- I don’t believe he exists- that’s why!

thanks wolffaery much appreciated.

Answer #17

You both are rebellious to God and you will reap what you’ve sown. Your research was likely biased and not balanced. Why worship the creation when you can worship God the creator?

Answer #18

I went through a period of time where I did Wicca, but I grew out of it…and as you get older, your beliefs might change as well from what they are now.

Keep in mind that your parents chose a religion after years of soul searching. They have instilled those values in you, and telling them that you have chosen a different religion should come after you are fully committed to the practice. So make sure this is 100% how you will feel the rest of your life before turning your back on what your parents have taught you…I’d wait a few YEARS to make this decision.

Answer #19

hmm I realy did enjoy these conversations I read but why I mean I am Wiccan yes and I will say nothing to “infoHolic” dude or whatever his name is but to the question…even though its been 8 months since question started O_o… I told my parents they disagreed but said it is my choice and will respect it but I have been studying off and On for a year now and it took a lot of Courage but part of my personal list to-do’s was to tell my parents… if you have Itunes and want to learn about Nondenominational Witch Craft(wicca,Paganism,witch Craft) <—all of thouse

Answer #20

infoholic, just chill man, this blog began as “How do I tell my parents that I am a wiccan?” And ended up being a blame-fest about demons and Satan and the truth, but what is it all really. In your religion, you should love all, the same as in wicca, just try to tune it down a little please.

To mexxy, you latched into infoholic like a dog after a mail man. it would be better in my opinion to take things slowly and deal with his problems either peacefully, or not at all.

Back to the original problem, any more hints about how to tell parents that mexxy is wiccan, I would also like to know, as I am a wanna-be wiccan, who is attempting to start down the path.

Answer #21

OK infoholic so your saying im going to “hell” if I dont read the bible. well im a Celtic pagan and im proud of what I’ve become. and no pagans and wiccans dont worship the devil because the a cathloic belief. I worshop my gods and the earth. say what you wish, like a mountain my beliefs cannot be moved

Answer #22

infoholic - keep your thoughts to yourself. mexxy didn’t ask to be discriminated against, so don’t do it. I’m a proud Pagan and have also researched Wicca and none of what you’re saying matches up, infohoilc.

I respect your choices, mexxy, and offer you my support when talking to your parents.

Answer #23

every ones intiteled to there opinion

im a wiccan to ,but I havent told my parents

Answer #24

Back when I was thinking about converting to wicca, I told my mom, who’s protestant. She freaked out and said “What!?” I asked her why the big reaction and she said it sounded like a cult. The irony here of course is that cults are very organized and wicca is one of the least organized religions out there, especially esoteric wicca, which I practice. Another interesting fact is that some wiccans do worship jehovah and jesus as deities. I sometimes ask both to banish negative forces from my space.

 Really just sit down and tell them is all I can think, but then again, you have to follow the Rede. Will telling them just make them worry about your soul? How much harm will this do and how much good will it do? You're the one who knows your parents and you're best equipped to answer these questions.
Answer #25

Your research was likely biased and not balanced.

…quoteth the pot…

Answer #26


You said, “another thing is that I believe that we are not casting spells but rather pushing energies around the world to improve situations.” That’s like saying you can push electricity around the world to do your bidding. How can “energies” be pushed/summoned/cast/called upon/etc if they are just impersonal “energies?” Define it as you want, but in order for “energies” to be called upon they have to have intellect to receive your call. Therefore such “energies” are not just unintelligible energies…they have personality and can cause events to occur! So in reality, they aren’t just “energies”, they’re really entities! These entities are ancient non-corporal being who are masters of deception. They are demons if you choose to accept that or not. I know you feel the power in your rituals, well that’s the demonic power that you call “energies”.
When candles light automatically do you think “energies” do that? No way, demons are behind it all!

White witches (like you) say all they do are good spells. Black witches/satanists/magick say they do good and bad in their spells. But all are deceived by the Devil/Satan/demons who can appear either good or evil to whomever they seek to trick/deceive.

Even some satanists say there’s no literal Satan, although other satanists do believe in a literal Satan. Satan himself doesn’t care either way. Satan’s agenda is to get us humans to deny the true God of the Bible and to choose any other path we want. All paths don’t lead to the truth. Wide is the path that leads to destruction.

Biblical scholars believe that since the fig tree had leaves on it (Matthew 21:19), from a distance it gave the appearance of being fruitful. But upon closer examination it became clear that there was no fruit on it at all. So perhaps Jesus’ cursing of the fig tree was an acted-out parable that taught the disciples that God will judge those who give an outer appearance of fruitfulness but in fact are not fruitful at all (like the Pharisees). The Pharisees were the “religious” rulers of the time who put on an act like they were holy when in fact they were empty and false. They did not love the true & living God. They were trying to be religious by acting righteous. This continues to this day in some circles.

Jesus Christ exists just as George Washington existed. Jesus has more historical evidence than any other figure in history. Jesus is God come in the flesh to save the world from our sins & He’s alive forevermore!

Your disbelief does not make Jesus non-existent!

I challenge you to question wicca and compare it to the Bible. Satan will do all he can to keep you away from the divine intergrated message system called the Bible for in it are the very words of life and truth! Your eternal destiny hangs in the balance…choose wisely!

Answer #27

okay so first of all “infoholic” it has nothing do with satanism you are obviously you are misinformed about the whole religion. consider researching topics before you tell people about them. here are a few things about Wiccans: they believe in equality between genders they have no messiah (did you know that jesus once cursed a fig tree because it had no fruit?) we do not have “7 fold” we have three fold and thats the same thing as karma its not that we are “afraid of putting spells on “born again/Bible believing Christians” we can put a spell on anyone we want but the rule that we have(much like the ten commandments but in one sentence) is: an it harm none, do as ye will- we cannot place any spells on anyone unless they are for good purposes and will help to improve lives. another thing is that I believe that we are not casting spells but rather pushing energies around the world to improve situations. do not tell me to “give you heart to jesus” because I do not believe that he existed.

with all do respect, -mexxy.

Answer #28

Explore the truths of the Bible and the true and living God. Wicca is a deception and doorway to demonic bondage. Ask yourself this question: If God isn’t real as He said in His word - the Bible- then why can’t wiccans put spells on born again/Bible believing Christians without fear of the spell coming back on them 7 fold? You are really serving the wrong master. Come over to the winning team and give your heart to Jesus! He will set you free!

Answer #29

no offense but this argument ended months ago so that was unnecessary but I thank you for trying to help anyways.

Answer #30

xgabriellax gave some great advice. I’d advise you to do something like that too.

Answer #31

I went through a period of time where I did Wicca, but I grew out of it…and as you get older, your beliefs might change as well from what they are now.

Keep in mind that your parents chose a religion after years of soul searching. They have instilled those values in you, and telling them that you have chosen a different religion should come after you are fully committed to the practice. So make sure this is 100% how you will feel the rest of your life before turning your back on what your parents have taught you…I’d wait a few YEARS to make this decision.

Answer #32

amblessed- seriously I have read a lot of the How do I tell My Parents questions and answers and Honestly do you have nothing better to do than criticize Wicca beliefs? “Don’t do it” seriously if you are so opposed to it why do you answer these questions.

Mexxy- I have not told my parents either and I have been looking into it for about 4 months. Nothing (Religion wise) feels right to me other than Wicca so I won’t tell My parents (because they would have a fit if I told them) but I promised myself that I would at least start leaving hints when I am 16. My advice to you is to leave hints until they catch on then calmly explain to them that “I am now Wiccan and there is really nothing you can do about it because it is my choose and I believe it is the best path/way for ME.”

Answer #33

did you not read the please don’t say anything about my faith part of the question? wow… and I bet you hate jews to? how about black people? seriously if I wanted this response I would have asked for it.

Answer #34

:P thanks witchskulky! I laughed at the last part. I don’t have a coven. I wish I did but there just aren’t enough wiccan’s in my area for that. plus I have to keep it a secret from my parents. that was my decision btw, im not going to tell them. maybe after I move out but not till im a fully legal adult.

Answer #35

I know this is like a really old post but I wanted to say something.Infoholic you may not see this but Wiccans are very spiritual people.I may be a young wiccan(Just starting) but I know what Wiccans worship.When I was too young to know much about religion I was a christian(More claming to be then really being) then when I grew older I became atheist and I searched for the right religion then I found out my mom was a Wiccan I asked some questions and the religion spoke to me.I began to have dreams of a beautiful woman named Nyx.She was the Greek goddess of night.I choose her for my goddess because i’m a child of night.I love the time of night when luna is high in the sky shining.Nyx still speaks to me but not in my dreams.She speaks through the earth to me.I know it is her for I can feel her presence.I recently havn’t had a good memory then I ordered a Wiccan necklace online and when I wear it I remember things and this necklace makes me feel more connected to the goddess.If someone took it from me I would feel torn in two.I never lie and that whole story is true.I am forced to go to church by my christian father and while there what I hear of your god is scary.He wants you to fear him.You call him your lord like your his servent and if i’m not mistaken in the bible he said that if you children disobeyed you that you had to take them outside and stone them to death.He doesn’t sound very merciful there and besides every child is disobedient and one time so if that were true and we HAD to do that 99% of the worlds people wouldn’t be here today the other 1% would be almost dead.So yea think about that.-All wiccans that fought with this person i’m glad to be part of your religion I feel whole calling myself a wiccan.

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