All about satan.

Hello. What is satan ? How and why do people become satan ? What do they do ?

Answer #1

im pretty sure perople dont “become” satan

Answer #2

go to a church and you can find that all out

Answer #3

Yeah. I think so.

Answer #4

No, Satan is not the leader of bad people. He’s done nothing wrong in fact. When god supposedly created who christians now call Satan, he created him in a way so that he would “betray” god, so that he would have someone to blame all the bad stuff on to. So, Satan is innocent. Besides, according to the bible, the ONLY way to get to heaven, is by accepting Jesus as your saviour. So even if you are a very kind person, that did good things in your life, and few bad ones, you will still go to hell. Again, according to christianity. So, if I for example “sinned” all my life, murdered, but later asked for forgivness, and accepted Jesus, I will go to heaven. Funny, isn’t it? =]

Answer #5

do you mean the devil?

Answer #6

So, if I for example “sinned” all my life, murdered, but later asked for forgivness, and accepted Jesus, I will go to heaven. Funny, isn’t it? =]

I’m sorry to say but this is wrong. Someone who had committed all those things CAN be saved but it would it could only happen if that person had a dramatic life altering experience with God where they truly repented (asked forgiveness) for the things that they had done. Acts 2:38, “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”. This is the only plan of salvation laid out for us in the Bible (not the only place, but the most condensed). If a person followed those three steps (with a pure heart) then it doesn’t matter what they’ve done, they could be saved.

satan is the devil its the oposite of god I don’t mean to be bashing on everyone but this also isn’t true. The devil is the only force that is working against God, but not the opposite of him. God made the Satan/The Devil/ A.K.A. Lucifer as a servant for Lucifer to praise him. When God made the angels he did not give them free will or the option to not praise him because they had no reason not to. However Lucifer being one of the three lead angles (Michael and Gabriel being the other two) thought that he could take the place of God. God wasn’t going to stand for that and he kicked Lucifer and the one third of angles that he had convinced to rebel with him out of heaven and sent them to the earth (before it was created) Genesis 1:2 “2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep …”. He is now known as “The Devil” or “Satan” and has an eternal resting place made just for him, Hell. I think that because he never had free will, choice, mercy, and a chance for forgiveness that he is envious of us so is trying his hardest to get us to share his fate.

Answer #7

Satan is the devil. no one turns into Satan, they just go to hell. by that, they break laws, kill people, and other bad stuff that doesn’t let them go to heaven. Satan is, I guess you could say, the leader of all the bad people

Answer #8

satan is the devil its the oposite of god not everyone beleives in these things christians beleive in there god, and they beleive in the opposite of there god…satan satanists beleive in satan,and usually god, as god is the opposite of what they beleive in no one becomes or turns into satan, just as they dont majivcally turn into god and its only if you beleive in those two religions that you will beleive in satan and god

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