
Does anyone believve in carma?

I keep thinking that if I slag people, bad things will happen, I’ve actually seen stuff like this before and its weird…

Just wanted to see what you thought

Answer #1

yeah I belive wht your saying. your rite its like think gud things are going to happen theyll happen think bad things are going to happen theyll

Answer #2

I believe in it by principle, but not in reality. I believe that if you do something bad, you should be punished or at least learn from your mistake(s). However, in the real-world this does not always happen and bad people get away with terrible things. I wish karma were a reality (that’s not to say that it isn’t for sure; it is not my place to say), but from experiences I’ve had, I don’t believe it is an actual force, but it is a just principle.

Answer #3

I don’t necessarily believe in karma but I believe in the saying what goes around comes around. bad and good things happen to everyone- I don’t think there’s a set path I believe that’s just life. We all go through bad and good I don’t think it’s connected.

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