Is there really a god?

Is there realy a god? I mean there are too many plot holes in his stories and many more that I’ve poked holes in, like? why did god put only two people on the whole face of the earth and if so, than I find christianity offensive, because it reletivley equivilent to sayin that im retarded, via incest, and how did people live to be in their hundereds and thousands, whilst later on everyone appearently died in their mid thrirties - late fifties? and how is it that god talked to everyone and no one deemed them crazy? and now people do/ are ir are cons? and what about all those leaps? and why does it leave out, who wrote the book were the pages destroyed because of hate? and if so, why did god let it happen, god wasn’t the type do let people do such things? ( I haven’t memorised the bible like many other people to go into great specifics) and everyone is claiming the end of the world at 2012, whe he, himself said, “ never again shall I destroy the earth” so, why is there a huge freakin’ comet headed our way as soos ans obama was elected? ( I think god’s racist ) and on the seventh day why did he rest? couldn’t they just have said he did it in six days? and the story with noah, why did it take him six days to create the eath while it took him a month and a half to edit it?

Answer #1

^^Oh and I do believe that God exists. I just don’t believe that the bible is 100% correct.^^

what don’t you believe?

^^I never said he doesn’t exist…^^

That’s what it sounded like you trying to say…

Answer #2

^^I think I’M the one who says that the most… and I’m NOT an atheist.^^

Then have you frequently said there is no God?

^^beautiful234 this is somewhat entertaining, I find it amusing when christians try to be ‘witty to defend the Bible.^^

well I think it’s ANNOYING when people make rude, unnessicary comments. atheists try to defend themselves in a “witty” manner also. :P

Answer #3

read it and you’ll find out.

…I already have… more than you… and none of it proves that God exists.

that’s not made up its in the Bible.

A book does not validate itself. Its quite possible that much of the Bible is ‘made up’

haha that’s quite ironic that you would say that…

No… it isn’t…

You just need to learn more about your own religion. You also need to learn the difference between EVIDENCE and PROOF, and the difference between BELIEVING and KNOWING. Oh, and while you’re at it… re-learn the definition of ‘irony’

Answer #4

“””that’s not made up its in the Bible.”””

But you can’t prove that everything in the bible is not made up. Just because you believe in it doesn’t mean it is correct.

“””haha that’s quite ironic that you would say that…”””

Would you care to elaborate??

Answer #5

c.assassin- how come you are always putting God down, if you believe in Him?

Answer #6

to scare you into submission and to render you unable to think for yourself.

…mission… accomplished.

Answer #7

Seems unlikely to me.

Answer #8

^^What about them?^^

read it and you’ll find out.

^^Churches make millions of Rand/dollars per year from your money and what better way to keep you going to church that to scare the hell out of you…I.e. if you don’t believe in God, you aren’t going to heaven…^^

that’s not made up its in the Bible.

^^Oh wow… that’s quite a shiny rock you’ve been living under…^^

haha that’s quite ironic that you would say that…

Answer #9

Many atheists make claims without any hesitations that the Bible is full of contradictions and errors.

…just as many theists make claims without any hesitation that God is real, and the Bible is the truth… when neither they nor anyone else can prove it… case in point.

To make such a statement one needs to have examined the Bible throughly first which needs a high level of competence. Many making such claims clearly lacks such competence.

…just as those who make claims to the contrary.

Weather you believe it or not the truth is that THERE IS A HEAVEN AND A HELL.

…you can’t prove it… so it ISN’T the truth… you are NO different than all the other theists who claim they KNOW their BELIEFS are truth… it defies the very concept of FAITH… thus it defies God… and makes your claims INCORRECT.

Answer #10

Why should there be?

…because our ancestor crawled out of the water? Scientists think our lunged and “fingered” ancestor was similar to the lungfish of south america. When the oxygen content drops due to high tempreture, his neighbors suffocate in the shallow water while he is able to breath both air and water. Because we faced such challenges through our evolutionary course and were met with advantages that also posed disadvantages that had to be made-up for with intelligence, we are able to ponder such a questuion.

beautiful234 this is somewhat entertaining, I find it amusing when christians try to be ‘witty to defend the Bible.

Answer #11

Of course there is. I’m a Catholic and raised it too. God creted the world. He didn’t just put two people on earth too. If you read Genesis, it says that they, Adam and eve’s son, goes to marry a member of another tribe. These were the first peple god put a soul into when he breathed into Adam. God luvs everyone! Smile! God exists!

Answer #12

god IS there. its all faith

…nice paradox…

Answer #13

Faith comes by hearing - Hearing by the Word of God - mankind is free to accept or reject, no riding the fence - so it’s by Faith people believe in God and salvation through Jesus Christ - you ask a lot of questions, some appearing to try and mock Him - Judgement day every knee shall bow, so you’ll be there - ask Him then !

Answer #14

That’s what it sounded like you trying to say…

…no… you’re just assuming…

Answer #15

Then have you frequently said there is no God?


Answer #16

It doesnt prove that he doesnt exist, either.

I never said he doesn’t exist…

…if you don’t believe in God, then why are you even reading the Bible, then?

Because I can… the human mind is quite capable of reading a book, without believing every word.

Answer #17

HA! I hear people saying screw christians just about every other day!

You’re exaggerating…

and its kind of ironic that you say WE will hunt you down and make us suffer, when its exactly the other way around!!

It isn’t ironic OR the other way around… it happens on BOTH sides. It depends on the individual, how bitter they are, and how ‘selective’ their memory is… case in point.

seriously, just shut up.

…seriously… don’t sound like such an idiot… next time, dare to learn more about your own religion and science, BEFORE making an fool out of yourself.

Answer #18

“””Another thing I would like to make clear is that Atheists think that they are competent to comment on the Bible. If you could think logically you would have figured out that the only ones who could make any comment on the Bible are the Bible scholars because they are the experts.”””

So technically according to you an ordinary Christian is not allowed to interpret the bible and ask any questions?

“””what don’t you believe?”””

I don’t believe in heaven and hell and I don’t believe that a God that loves us will condem us for every sin that we make.

Answer #19

^^^And if you don’t believe in God, then why are you even reading the Bible, then?^^^

If you don’t believe in murder why do you watch news/read newspaper??…to get educated, maybe to know what is going on.

Oh and I do believe that God exists. I just don’t believe that the bible is 100% correct. Furthermore some rules in the bible we do accept and others WE don’t… note the “we” in my answer…man made, human decisions.

Answer #20

^^But you can’t prove that everything in the bible is not made up. Just because you believe in it doesn’t mean it is correct.^^

^^…I already have… more than you… and none of it proves that God exists.^^

It doesnt prove that he doesnt exist, either.

And if you don’t believe in God, then why are you even reading the Bible, then?

^^Oh, and while you’re at it… re-learn the definition of ‘irony’^^

Well forgive me, your highness, I used the wrong word.

Answer #21

Yet still they fail to mention the “errors” in the bible.

Answer #22

…if atheists had good proof that God does not exist then theirs would not have been a faith.

…you mean good EVIDENCE. And if you want to compare the evidence of existence, with non-existence, that would place God on the same level as EVERY other mythological creature in human history.

But in this site and many other places atheists have openly admitted that non existence of God cannot be proven.

Hmmm… I think I’M the one who says that the most… and I’m NOT an atheist.

*Hence theirs is a belief. So since faith and belief is involved we should conclude that atheism is also a religion.

WRONG. The belief or disbelief of deities are ASPECTS of religion, they are not religions themselves. For example, Buddhism is a religion, but its followers do not worship a deity. Buddhism is considered an Atheistic Religion. Religion involves a routine set of practices, rituals, beliefs, etc.

This is plain truth. Any sane person cannot deny this.

Your viewpoint of ‘’if you don’t agree with me, you’re crazy’’ a big reason why your opinions draw so much criticism… it also misrepresents your faith, makes you appear pompous and unpleasant, and simply makes you WRONG by default. You are doing a disservice to your own God, by claiming those who do not share your beliefs are ‘blind’ and ‘ignorant’ and they don’t understand the Bible because they don’t have superpowers like YOU. This form of presentation will only push people AWAY from your religion, and if you KNEW your religion well, you’d know that God wouldn’t want his message to be presented in that way.

GOD does exist. There are proofs all around you.

Heh… after that whole long-winded schpeel about ‘faith’ …you go and contradict yourself AGAIN.

Answer #23

it didnt say he put ONLY two people on the earth. it said they were the FIRST. if you dont believe in god, then fine. screw you and all the people that dont believe in him. but god IS there. its all faith.

Answer #24

Well for starters, God(Jehovah) created Adam and Eve and have them fill the earth with there offspring and make it a paradise and live forever. Have you ever questioned yourself why are we really here and what is the real reson for life? Well there is your answer, Jehovah Created us to live for ever in a paradise, you may think that be boring atfer so many years, so not true. There will be plenty to do and see, the bible states that even our best days in this life we arent really living. Doesnt that make you think how awesome life would be in the new paradise earth. And the churches(christandom) changes some things in bible and make it almost impossible to understand so please friend listen to what I have to say. Lets see…ummm Ecclesiastes 8:9 All this I have seen, and there was an applying of my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, during the time that man has dominated man to his own injury. I just became a Jehovahs Witneses 8 months ago and finding answers to almost everything and much happier doing it then my previous life. Been in church and listen to my former friends and now Im at peace with myself so here is my email: I dont know a lot but what I do know I can answer what I can.

Answer #25

“screw you and all the people that dont believe in him. but god IS there. its all faith.”

I find that REALLY offensive. you seriously don’t see many non-believers going round saying screw all christians, because we know that you will hunt us down for it and make us suffer. But somehow because you have this God you can do that. You are right, its all faith… so you can’t say that God is there. It’s a guess- face it. You THINK he’s there.

Im not going to go through and answer all your questions cause honestly its impossible. there are so many questions that people want asked about religion…they will NEVER get answered. all that happens is people leave their opinions, and then a fight gets started- question closed. Point being? Its all stupid. I think that God was created for fear, to keep people controlled…Now its been blown out of proportion.

Answer #26

“”” screw you and all the people that dont believe in him. but god IS there. its all faith.”””

Exactly it is faith… some people have faith in God, others have faith in their ability to do stuff, and some people have faith in something else…

Point is you can’t prove God exists and by the way by shoving your belief down everyone’s throat is NOT spreading the word of God.

Answer #27

I do not think that there really is a God, no. One reason being this so called ‘god’ has screwed me over so many freaking times. The MAIN reason is that I am a logical person, and I think things should be proved. And while you cannot prove that God does not exist, you can prove that evolution did happen. I also think that people should believe whatever they want. Whether you believe that God created Adam and Eve, or even we all developed from pink stuffed animals(yeah, bad joke), we are all people. I personally find arguments such as, “No. God is real and you are stupid, so shut up and deal with it.” “God exists because of the bible.” very stupid. Just as well as those types of arguments coming from an Atheist. Either way, I think we should all accept that we are all people. No matter religion, sexuality, age, race, etc.

Answer #28

Is there really a god? It seems vanishingly unlikely. A better question in my mind is, what reason do we have to even suspect there might be a god?

If the idea of gods can be shown to be the fruit of ancient mythology, does it really make sense to take the idea seriously? This would be like asking if unicorns are real.

Answer #29

^^I find that REALLY offensive. you seriously dont see many non-believers going around saying screw all Christians, because we know you will hunt us down and make us suffer^^

HA! I hear people saying screw christians just about every other day! and its kind of ironic that you say WE will hunt you down and make us suffer, when its exactly the other way around!!

^^point is you cant prove god exists^^

Well if you’re going to look at it that way, you cant prove god doesnt exist, either. you can say all the crap about evolution and scientists proving stuff…blah blah…theres not any evidence that proves he doesnt exist. and your probably thinking “well theres no proof that he exists, either.” well, thats where faith comes in.

^^…nice paradox…^^

seriously, just shut up.

^^there are so many questions that people want asked about religion…they will NEVER get answered.^^

it says in the bible, (dont ask me where b/c I don’t know I just remember reading it) that once he comes to earth and takes everybody to heaven, there will be an explanation as to why everything has happened, and why things are the way they are. so the questions will be answered, we just have to wait. for all we know it could happen tomorrow.

Answer #30

“””it says in the bible, (dont ask me where b/c I don’t know I just remember reading it) that once he comes to earth and takes everybody to heaven, there will be an explanation as to why everything has happened, and why things are the way they are. so the questions will be answered, we just have to wait. for all we know it could happen tomorrow.”””

Strangely enough it has been 2000 years and nothing yet has happened. I believe in God but think that the rest of our religion like heaven and hell is just a bunch of nonsense made up by the church to scare you into submission and to render you unable to think for yourself.

Answer #31

^^I personaly find arguments such as…very stupid^^

you’re arguing too and I think that your argument is stupid. you can believe in watever you want, but when judgement day comes, dont say I didnt warn you.

^^ a better question in my mind is, what reason do we have to suspect there might even be a god?^^

the bible. jesus. duh.

^^Strangely enough it has been 2000 years and nothing yet has happened. I believe in God but think that the rest of our religion like heaven and hell is just a bunch of nonsense made up by the church to scare you into submission and to render you unable to think for yourself.^^

for all we know it could be a million years before something happens, or an hour before something happens. and why would the church make up your so called nonsense for no reason? there is no reason. pastors are one of the most honest types of people out there. not liars.

^^I do not think that there really is a God, no. One reason being this so called ‘god’ has screwed me over so many freaking times.^^

God hasnt screwed you over, you’ve screwed yourself over.

Answer #32

the bible. jesus. duh.

What about them?

pastors are one of the most honest types of people out there. not liars.

Oh wow… that’s quite a shiny rock you’ve been living under…

Answer #33

“””and why would the church make up your so called nonsense for no reason?”””

Churches make millions of Rand/dollars per year from your money and what better way to keep you going to church that to scare the hell out of you…I.e. if you don’t believe in God, you aren’t going to heaven…

Answer #34

^^Is there realy a god?^^


^^and how is it that god talked to everyone and no one deemed them crazy?^^

because they believed in god, just as everybody should.

^^and why does it leave out, who wrote the book were the pages destroyed because of hate?^^

it doesnt leave out who wrote it. it says his diciples wrote them.

^^and if so, why did god let it happen, god wasn’t the type do let people do such things?^^

god didnt let it happen, people did.

^^and everyone is claiming the end of the world at 2012^^

Ok, dont listen to everything you hear. its just the year some guy hundreds of years ago predicted would be the year the world would end. that theory has been vanquished.

^^so, why is there a huge freakin’ comet headed our way as soos ans obama was elected? ( I think god’s racist )^^

if god were racist, colored people wouldnt even be here. common sense.

^^ and the story with noah, why did it take him six days to create the eath while it took him a month and a half to edit it?^^

it takes longer to edit something than it does to make something one time, and make it perfect. (majority of the time.)

^^beautiful234 this is somewhat entertaining, I find it amusing when christians try to be ‘witty to defend the Bible.^^

yea well I find it funny when athiests try to be ‘witty’ about their thoughts too. =P

Answer #35

but beautiful234 isn’t Jesus supposed to be Christians example to live by? So why is it not about Jesus’ message and all about god being amazing, going to heaven, and being right?

Answer #36

^^but beautiful234 isn’t Jesus supposed to be Christians example to live by?^^

I never said it wasnt…

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