Rich Mormons

Okay, so where does the idea that all mormons are rich?? I mean are they?? And why is this so??? and how does everyone know?? … -Curious- Thanks

Answer #1

No, all mormons are not rich, but are just careful about how they spend their money. No tobacco, alcohol, pornography, nor “loose women”. So, if you add up all the cost of those things you will find that there are many who spend quite a bit of money on things that are wasteful. Most mormons aren’t wasteful nor are they rich.

Answer #2

No, all Mormons are not rich. Like any religion/cult, there are rich and poor, with everything inbetween. You will find every aspect of society represented in the Mormon religion.

Answer #3

I’m Mormon and I’m not rich. Not every Mormon is Rich. In fact, I know people I hang around with aren’t rich. They work hard to make money to live on to support their families. A couple of them own farms, In fact, my Branch President works at a place where they sell farm supplies and feed, and he owns a farm. He isn’t rich as in Millionaire though. He makes enough to support himself and his family. He has 4 children and 3 of them are married and one, has a girlfriend the last time I knew. Some members of the Branch I belong too are in between trying to show off their earnings but, all of us aren’t that rich. You have this in every religion it just isn’t Mormons.

Answer #4

HELL NO! my family is mormon, and we aren’t rich at all.

lots of them aren’t.

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