Love & Relationships Questions

  2. whats a good song to lap dance to?
  3. When to get married?
  4. got blamed for the breakup of two girls
  5. cum in the bath
  6. how do i stop being jealous
  7. im still in love with my ex
  8. Is it really over?
  9. my ex confuses me
  10. feelings for my guy friend...
  11. why cant I com when givin head
  12. HELPPPP my friend is dating an asshole
  13. jacking off
  14. nipples are sore
  15. Broken hearted.
  16. hairy or shaved pussy
  17. how to make a move
  18. Friends Ex Likes Me
  19. ex boyfriend contacts
  20. should I pursue my ex
  21. Whats going on part 2?
  22. is having semen on you in public illegal?
  23. death.....what do I do :(
  24. Plz help Im so scared
  26. best friend and maybe boyfriend problem and first period
  27. love ;; ages
  28. Why did it happen to me? IT's horrible!!!
  29. Love and Communication
  30. Can we say "INSECURE?"
  31. Do I ask him back out?
  32. getting your cherry popped ..
  33. What can I do to save my marriage from his friends?
  34. Why is my boyfriend being a jackass to me and telling other people
  35. Why didn't I cum?
  36. I'm scared of long term relationships...
  37. Is it ok to encourage your boyfriend if you dont want to sleep wit
  38. am I even worth it?
  39. can love change suddenly?
  40. another cont' to feeling confused andor something
  41. im confuzed or feeling bad or something
  42. boy I never met
  43. could i be at risk?
  44. the secret to boys?
  45. Want to know is there any chance of me and a friend getting togeth
  46. Herpes and boyfriend
  47. how can I have a orgasim
  48. when a guy cums...
  49. heartbroken need advice please
  50. Josh getting out
  51. PLEASE help! Does she love me, or hate me?
  52. a page out of my diary............any explanation?
  53. why did he stand me up, damn it? Is it me?
  54. anger issues.....PLEASE help me
  55. God is good to me!
  56. is this possible?
  57. Doubts about engagement
  58. is my gf pregnant
  59. Confused about love...
  60. Would you go out with guy who has lower education that yourself?
  61. Guy Friend and I aren't Friends anymore...I'm Confused
  62. my girlfriend just dumped me and sed I was 2 borin all the girls o
  63. taking a girls virginity
  64. My girlfriend is suicidal, for real. I dont want to screw up, what
  65. cheating or not
  66. Craig and me and the other girls
  67. Is it real?
  68. why do they say I have big boobs?
  69. why do they say I have big boobs?
  70. dose my mum hate me?
  71. What was wrong with this situation?
  73. how should I tell my crush I like him?
  74. How can I help my girlfriend lose weight without insulting her!
  75. how do I get a guy 2 notice me???
  76. Fingering my girls clit makes her laugh and..
  77. RIP Jordan Dixon 5-15-06
  78. What am I doing wrong?!
  79. I dunno what to do...
  80. problem I just got out of a really messy realaship
  81. My wife's affair
  82. What does this mean?
  83. I have feelings for two girls
  85. Moving out, sharing appartment with a great girl. both 16.
  86. Women and Orgasims
  87. Its almost the end of the year, should I tell him I like him on the
  88. Unrequited!
  89. Stck His Finger In your Virgina
  90. overproctective parents and sis
  91. questions I need an answer fast
  92. Should you let a boy hit on you
  93. will she come back?
  94. My Space ok??
  95. how do I tell him?
  96. Break up.....what Should I do girls....
  97. Ladies, what do you feel in these situations?
  98. does he still like me??
  99. flirty questions to ask
  100. do guys like flowers?