is having semen on you in public illegal?

two of the guys i fool around with really like it when they cum on me, in my hair and clothes, on my feet and face. anywhere really. after they do it in the car they’ve been convincin me to go and buy a pop or even a bunch of banannas in the grocery store. they say i cant get in trouble but i dont know. it might be more interesting but liked it better when they just liked to cum in my mouth and that was that.

Answer #1

Good question. I have not idea if it is illegal to display semen in public. I guess it depends if it bothers someone enough for them to actualy call the cops on you.

Answer #2

What kind of girl are you? HOW OLD ARE YOU, AND HOW OLD ARE THESE 2 GUYS? They sound like they are making a fool out of you. Dont you have any respect for yourself, not to let yourself be belittled by a couple of sick horney toads??

Answer #3

im sry to be so0 harsh on y0u….but what is wr0ng with y0u. these two guys are just making fun of y0u and using y0u. im srry but if some guy were to cum on my clothes or hair i w0uld be pissed. and y0u im not sure if ur just desaperate for s0me male attention or what. but sweety u need to st0p. or try to find someone wh0 will appretiate y0u and treat y0u with r-e-s-p-e-c-t-…..and about it being illegal im not sure on that part. {h0pe my advic3 h3lp3d y0u} ttyl

Answer #4

im sry to be so0 harsh on y0u….but what is wr0ng with y0u. these two guys are just making fun of y0u and using y0u. im srry but if some guy were to cum on my clothes or hair i w0uld be pissed. and y0u im not sure if ur just desaperate for s0me male attention or what. but sweety u need to st0p. or try to find someone wh0 will appretiate y0u and treat y0u with r-e-s-p-e-c-t-…..and about it being illegal im not sure on that part. {h0pe my advic3 h3lp3d y0u} ttyl

Answer #5

I tend to agree that these guys are disrespecting you, but it does sound hot and I’d love to jizz on you.

Answer #6

I don’t suspect that it is illegal, but if you enjoy it then you should do what you like. Sounds sexy to me.

Answer #7

I am going to have to agree with everyone here. This doesn’t show you have respect for yourself… don’t let these guys use you like this… I would get one respectful man that treats your right… then you can do all this kinky stuff… anyone who respected you wouldnt tell you to walk in a store degrading yourself like that. Trust me.


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