What was wrong with this situation?

I’ll be 16 Wednesday (fyi). Saturday night after babysitting, I didn’t really feel like going to bed. It was about 12:30, and it being the long weekend, most of my friends were at parties or their cottages. I went on msn, and saw that a guy I like (a weee bit more than a friend)was on. We started talking, I explained my boredom, and he gave a few ideas as to what I could do. One of them was drinking. Now I like drinking, but not alone. I stated that and asked him if he wanted to drink with me. We created this plot that he would pick me up, I’d go over to his house and have a few drinks, go home - no big deal. As it turns out, he gave me an early birthday present, kissed my neck (we had a huge inside joke about this from months before), rubbing my neck… Progressively, we started kissing, and getting all touchy-feely and basically made out for 2.5 hours with breaks in between. He’s 21. We both fell asleep for 10 minutes, then he drove me home at around 3:40a.m. He’s one of my sister’s friends, and everyone thinks he has a crush on me… I snuck out of my house, drank, and made-out with someone just because.. I think I like him, and I think he likes me. Is it bad that I did this?

Answer #1

Nothing was wrong, but your law prohibits that what you did. Well, it is sad, but you have to follow your law, and not your emotions. During your life you will meet several similar situation.

Answer #2

Its bad…16 and 21 Come on HES TO OLD FOR U…he can go to jail..Drinking and makein out hes messin with the wrong age.. FInd someone ur age no matter how much u like him..if u care about him U wont mess with him

Answer #3

ok bellabrunette>you shouldnt encourage her. Shes only 16, HES 21!!!I think you basically gave him the wrong 1st impression. He was probably thinking how easy you were the 1st night, imagine what hes thinking for the 2nd time you 2 get together. Dont be stupid, and let him talk you into anything that you will regret later! Dont be flattered because a 21 year old wanted to make out with you. Would the night have lasted that long if making out wasnt involved? Just think about it once! You think he likes you because he made out with you>what else has he done/do that shows he likes you?? If all you 2 do is make out whenever you get together, its probably lust!! Just be careful!!!

Answer #4

I Don’t think this is bad I just think you should talk to your parents..first and foremost your parents should be lettinq youhave you boyfriend’s come over so you won’t have to sneak out 2nd the aqe I really could say because im in the same situation he can’t qo to jail unless your mother has aqreed and 3rd it isn’t that bad I could see if you had mayjor issues that you did..Bhudd from what I could say you should come clean to your parents and tell them how you feel so you wont have to sneak out

Answer #5

Why would it be bad? You like him…He likes you! ITS cute

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