death.....what do I do :(

okay…..Well, my Boyfriends bestfriend’s mom died last night, they are like brothers and she was like a 2nd mom to my boyfriend, I dont no anything about it, I didnt bother asking him, he texted me telling me this tonight…but besides that I haven’t talked to either of them..his bestfriend is also like a brother to me to, so to hurt me to see the two of them in pain… what should I do, I dont want to be to sad and give then hugs and be drepressing, and I dont want to back off to much, when do I call him, or will he call me when he’s ready, I want to be there for my boyfriend, I want him to no im there for him :( what do I do PLease help me

Answer #1

Call him and tell him that you are there if he needs you. Death isn’t easy but it helps to have good friends around for the tears and to help us laugh.

Answer #2

This is a touphy..but i suggest call him..if he wants to talk about it He’ll bring it up first

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