will she come back?

ok I’ve being going with this girl for 8 month I xd 2 people behind her back which was a drunken mistake all in the one nite I groveled and treated her like a princess then a week later my gran died and she ended it the same day I was gutttteeddd..one day later she was going with some1 else who is a not up 2 her standards he is a tramp.she said she dusnt want to go back with me.its been 5 days now…do you think shell realise and come back to me or do you think its all over I really need help

Answer #1

If shes smart>she wont come back!! Blaming alcohol for your behavior is a cop out! No matter how well you say you treated her, you still cheated on her!! You have NO right to judge her new bf. If she wants to date him, thats none of your concern. You had your chance, and you blew it. Move on, and hopefully youve learned a lesson from all this!!

Answer #2

well, i was in your spot 2 years ago. i did the same thing, but just a little different. more then likely she wont come back. but if she does, thank the lord, because if you really care about her, then it hurts not haveing her. but all i can do is wish you luck. ( and ignore angelfire. she’s just jealous ;) )

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