What am I doing wrong?!

Ok he dumped me today, and I mean his reason was he was too busy, I made time for him, and now he told his cuzin something else about at his house how he felt free, I mean truly what do I wrong in the relationship I let the guy do what he pleases until I am uncomfortable, and I mean he did not respect me when I asked him not to get on top of me at his house last thursday , I should of dumped him but then I would feel horrible, is it possible to care too much?

I Need help


Answer #1

move on if he’s not respecting you get over him and get a respectful guy!!!

Answer #2

If he wasnt respecting you, just let him be and move on.

Answer #3

The only thing your guilty of, is letting him have his way with you. He has NO repect for you whatsoever! You shouldnt feel horrible for leaving such a loser. Move on, hes not worth keeping!!!

Answer #4

I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes we always think that its our faults but its actually just the way of the world. People do things out of how they feel it doesnt always have something 2 do with u

Answer #5

if i were u - i would dump him. wot’s the point of goin out with someone if they have no respect for u? LEAVE HIM!!!

Answer #6

im with slash, hell if a girl been disrespecting me i`ll just dump her ass cause shes not the right person for me

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