Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Are singles nights easier to get a date?
  2. Why do I like this guy at school?
  3. Is it true that once you go black, you never go back?
  4. Has love been missing all these years?
  5. How do I introduce myself to strangers?
  6. Where to get proof that he likes me?
  7. How can I make him my friend?
  8. How do you make a guy want you?
  9. How do I ask out the guy I like?
  10. What should I do if my crush is dating my best friend?
  11. How can I make him happy?
  12. Is conflicting sense of humor a reason to break up?
  13. How do I increase my confidence?
  14. Can we still be friends after I've been dumped?
  15. Am I gay because I do this?
  16. Why doesn't fingering myself work?
  17. Can someone be in love at 15?
  18. Do hot girls actually go on the Internet?
  19. What's the best way to mast*rbate?
  20. Do virgins have two vaginal canals?
  21. Should I try to keep my distance from this guy?
  22. How can I handle tension between these important people?
  23. How do I choose between five guys?
  24. Why don't guys like me?
  25. What should I say to my mean friend?
  26. How do you get someone's attention?
  27. How can I get him to see the real me?
  28. What if I like a boy but so does my friend?
  29. What if you love a boy who makes you cry?
  30. Is it normal for a girl to fall out of love?
  31. What do I do when I see my ex with his new girl?
  32. How do I make my ex-boyfriend jealous?
  33. Will this ruin our friendship?
  34. Why should I save my virginity for someone special?
  35. How can I stop liking this guy?
  36. What specificaly turns on you guys out there I need advice
  37. Can you get pregnant if you don't have a period?
  38. Would a straight guy let a transgender doing him from behind?
  39. How can I have more than one orgasm?
  40. What kind of lubricant goes with condoms?
  41. What if my boyfriend treats me more like a friend?
  42. What if I'm not allowed to date but really like this guy?
  43. Should we break up?
  44. Is he going to propose?
  45. How to make my boyfriend horny?
  46. How do I kiss a girl for the first time?
  47. Is my boyfriend still interested?
  48. What's the right age to lose your virginity?
  49. What should I do about this girl who likes me?
  50. How to make a fake penis?
  51. Is it normal to have two vaginal canals?
  52. Should I make a move?
  53. Who's the ideal match for a Gemini?
  54. Will I find the one I love?
  55. What's the big deal?
  56. What if my sister's friends like me but they're like family?
  57. Do you think he wants me back?
  58. How can I make her understand that I don't like her romantically?
  59. Is liking someone and flirting different?
  60. How can I help my friend that's hurt?
  61. Should I stay with the father of my unborn baby?
  62. How do I fix what I said to the guy I like?
  63. What to do if my friend suddenly stops talking to me?
  64. What to do to attract a guy?
  65. What do I do if I like my boyfriend and my ex?
  66. How do you make out?
  67. What does a guy mean when he asks you to go out with him?
  68. How can my friend find out if these guys like her back?
  69. Can women have orgasms during intercourse?
  70. Does my boyfriend really love me?
  71. What if I love him but he doesn't want to commit?
  72. How can I prevent our problems from coming out again?
  73. Should I take my chances and make out with this guy?
  74. How do I handle kicking out my boyfriend of 7 years?
  75. How to tell if a girl likes you?
  76. How can we break off our friendship with this girl?
  77. Should I go out with this young guy?
  78. What if I like this girl a lot?
  79. How do I know if a guy is flirting?
  80. How can I get a girlfriend?
  81. Am I good looking?
  82. How do you get your boyfriend to quit hanging with his friends?
  83. Who would date me?
  84. Why does it feel bad for him when I do this?
  85. What if my crush got a girlfriend?
  86. Why can't I get a boyfriend?
  87. Should I read my girlfriend's email?
  88. Should I let it go since he cheated on me?
  89. What are different ways for a girl to pleasure herself?
  90. How to know if he's cheating on me?
  91. How can I look a guy in the eyes?
  92. Does this boy like me?
  93. Does it hurt more when the guy is bigger?
  94. Should I break up with my boyfriend?
  95. What if I like this guy and his friend?
  96. Do I try to move on or get her back?
  97. Why am I still in love with a man I had an affair with?
  98. How do I get a guy to like me?
  99. What if my pool buddy's girlfriend is into me?
  100. How do I handle my ex dating my best friend?