What to do to attract a guy?

how can i attract a guy i really like??how do is trike up a conversation w/ him we sit right next to achother in one class in school and we also go home on the same bus but we only say hi to one another what can i say to continue the conversation…and just what do i do to attract him???

Answer #1

All you have to do is be yourself. Honesty is the best. You could ask him if he is interested in anything like sports or whatever. That is always a guy thing. You could ask him if he has seen any good movies lately and then say that maybe you could go watch one some time. And don’t dress to revealing. Some guys think that is attractive but there are some who think you try to hard and won’t give you the time of the day. Be unique and dress comfortably but in your own style. Hope this helps you a little

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