Why can't I get a boyfriend?

I dont get it.. I am in 10th grade and to me it seems that everyone but me has a boy friend… y cant i get one!!!

Answer #1

It’s okay i’ve felt that way mostof my life. You’ll get your turn. Wait for the right guys like i did. There may be many guys but only a few are good and only one is what you truly want.

Answer #2

Well, don’t worry about getting a boyfriend, just worry about your school and friends. Someone special will come along in time. Just don’t hurry to get a boyfriend, they can make your life a bit more confusing sometimes anyway.

Answer #3

dont worry about it…The right guy hasnt found you yet thats all!!! Try to be more social or maybe less shy…

Answer #4

lol join the club.

Answer #5

count your blessings… boyfriends are bad

either that or listen to tatcat8

Answer #6

it’s just cuz HE hasn’t found you yet… but dont worry when he does it will have been worth the wait :-)

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