How do I introduce myself to strangers?

How can I approach people softly and introduce myself without looking Weird?? K, say there’s this Girl, or Boy that you seems really interested in. . . How would you make your move? Seriously, how? How can people randomly approach people without problem and introduce themselves? Even I, myself, if someone would come to me and be like, “ Hi! my name is Bruce! What’s yours?” For me, it would be totally out of the bleu, and it would scare me off like “ What, does this person think he’s doing!??” Of course I’ll think that,… he approached me too Sudden and too Fast. So, . . How can you approach someone ‘ Sofffttlyy , without rushing them in 1 second?

There Are 2 Guys my sister wants to meet and Be-friend. I would love for her to meet them too, but how can I boost her confidence? or else, How can I possibly introduce myself , then without hesitation, bring em’ to my sister to meet her Without her stiffning up in shyment or embaressment??? Her and I are both Painfully SHY, and we need help on how to meet people! Do I catch them in a certain moment and start a conversation?

Alright, well.. . Thanks and I hope I get more than 5 AWESOME Useful Comments!! Comment ONLY if you have a Great idea and also on how you meet People over your shyness!!

Thanks Guys !!

Answer #1


  First, convince yourself that you are one of those (if you arent) friendly people who is really approachable and talkative. 
  Find out where one of them hangs out alone (library? bus stop? etc.) Or you can just err 'follow' them when they go into a book or clothing store (if you are that desperate...)
 Then once it is just you and them (make sure you have your own purpose for being there so doesnt look like you are a stalker...haha) find something to mention to them. Make sure you sound genuinely interested.
 EX) If they are reading, ask them about the book. If you both waiting outside, comment on the weather to them. 

Once they respond continue the convo.

 Dont talk too much or too long, but make sure you get some sort of SN or number from them.

But if you know them more well and they see you pretty regularly but just dont know who you are: join whatever org./group/club they are involved in!

Hope that helps!!

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