Politics & Law Questions

  1. Are the people of Russia violent people?
  2. Why do people think negatively at the word "Communism"?
  3. How did Mr. Obama become President of the U.S?
  4. Why do the police always have to wait 24 hours to do something?
  5. Do you think Americans are greedy?
  6. Should Britain intervene in the Libya crisis?
  7. What are some examples of misdemeanors?
  8. Why would someone want to make a speech about domestic violence and its effects on teenagers?
  9. What is the purpose of having a curfew law?
  10. Would you class the witch trials as a war or a genocide?
  11. What's the budget situation look like where you live for local governments?
  12. Who believes that prisoners should have the right to vote?
  13. How does corruption help to boost the economy of India as a whole?
  14. Should we outlaw gerrymandering just to get a higher chance of some new members in the house and possibly some more expansed diversity in the states?
  15. What groups most strongly opposed the new deal that FDR had created and why did they oppose it?
  16. Does anyone watch the AlJazeera news?
  17. Why are people in the middle east all of a sudden fighting for freedom at the same time?
  18. What's a champion of democracy?
  19. Which heritage do biracial people identify or claim more?
  20. Who is responsible for financial recessions - us, or banks, or the members of parliament?
  21. Who thinks it's true that psychiatrist's and psychological profilers say that serial killers kill within their own social economic and ethnic bacground?
  22. Do you think it was the plane that made the WTC building tumble down?
  23. What are your views on how the Chinese Government can control the weather?
  24. Would you be able to kill a child to save the rest of the world and make everything better like all the world's problems solved for the next century?
  25. Is that a cross on the Athens Greece flag?
  26. What are your opinions on the recent sale of breast milk in covent garden?
  27. Why do people get arrested for not having an ID with them?
  28. Is a dirty bomb headed to a city near you?
  29. Do you all think that 65 murders for the year is enough for a government to say the Crime rate is high in a country?
  30. What should happen to people who abuse the elderly in the nursing home, because they are defenceless?
  31. Why aren't more people equating the war money with the firing of teachers and closing of schools?
  32. Do you think a minor should be sent to prison for life without parole for something that was illegal but not homicide?
  33. Who here thinks Politicians are hard working?
  34. What do you think about the bill being passed to pretty much end Planned Parenthood?
  35. What's the EU15 and what are CEE countries?
  36. What's going on in the Wisconsin protests lately?
  37. Should Gaddafi Duck his Political Responsibilities in Libya?
  38. Who the are the top 10 most powerful people at the moment?
  39. Does anyone think that what people are doing to the gay people is like what they did to the African Americans except on a smaller scale?
  40. Do you believe that Amanda Knox is innocent?
  41. Who was the 4th president?
  42. When you call the cops on neighbors that are being too loud at night do they have to come to your house also or just the noisy neighbors?
  43. What is the purpose of paying taxes?
  44. Who knows anything about the U.S. joining World War I?
  45. What's the big deal with the whole Bill Passing thing in Wisconsin?
  46. What are my human rights?
  47. Is Fox news guilty of shenanigans?
  48. What do you think about the stuff going on in Wisconsin?
  49. Do you think our legal system operates fairly in protecting and helping all people?
  50. Do you believe the government is hiding aliens (like from other planets) from us?
  51. Do you think it's right to NOT let someone get a licence just because they only have one eye?
  52. What do you think of criminals doing billing for toll roads?
  53. What do you think of the new Tax in Texas, the Texas Margin Tax?
  54. Does anyone know anything about the Triple Alliance from 1881?
  55. Does anyone know the reason why Lee Harvey Oswald wanted to kill the president?
  56. How do you replace the"Hangman" for the purpose of avoiding guilt on anyone?
  57. Why is the US government holding secret meetings to see if they can prosecute wikileaks?
  58. Why do the police in my country not arrest these people selling fake DVDs?
  59. What are your thoughts on Iran doing the same as what Egypt had done with the riots?
  60. How can a charity help people without creating dependence?
  61. Would you advocate a law allowing assisted suicide?
  62. Why is South Dakota mulling the 'justifiable homicide' bill?
  63. Is parkour illegal in North America?
  64. What is wrong with democracy?
  65. Why don't the moderate Islamists issue a fatwa on all the extremist and zealots?
  66. Does the "winner-take-all" system have any constitutional basis?
  67. Do you think hard liquor should be sold on Sundays?
  68. Are you proud of your country?
  69. Are police allowed to bring guns on international flights?
  70. Why do white people hate Mexicans so much?
  71. What law affects people in many ways ?
  72. How do you feel about the USA sending money to other countries, does it make you mad with the economy so bad?
  73. What do you think will happen in Egypt now that the dictator got ousted?
  74. What are some true facts about the internment of Japanese Canadians in 1941?
  75. What would be good ideas to stop human trafficking in places like Africa?
  76. Can you run for President if you were born on a US Army base in another country?
  77. How do I get my gun rights back in Maryland?
  78. When was Canada Founded, by whom?
  79. Why does the GOP leadership want to see the PATRIOT Act made permanent?
  80. What are the pros and cons of having the government in our eveyday lives and do you approve?
  81. Would you donate your infant's organs if it was not technically "dead" yet, even if it were certain death was imminent?
  82. Should a person call the authorities if someone steals another person's video on YouTube to impersonate him or her?
  83. If a pregnant woman walks into a bar and wants a drink, does the bartender have to serve her?
  84. How long is a reasonable time for a new Government to prove that they can run a country?
  85. Are you satisfied with your government's work?
  86. Why do guys think girls can't be president?
  87. What does England have that Americans don't?
  88. What do you think of Canada's pay-per-usage proposal regarding internet usage?
  89. Why does Mubarak not want to resign right away?
  90. What are the questions they ask you at immigration?
  91. What are some similarities and differences between the US and Canadian democracy?
  92. What good would come if we stopped child labor?
  93. What happened with Egypt's access to social networking sites just now?
  94. Should a court be allowed to force a parent to see their child(ren) if they don't want to see them?
  95. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a revolutionary army in the nation-state?
  96. Why is it unlawful in Oregon to drive without shoes?
  97. How do I complete form g325b for my citizenship?
  98. How does the right to privacy work with a child and parents?
  99. Do you think that America has been living beyond its means for years and only now is starting to see it?
  100. Who is worried about Egypt nuclear missiles falling under Muslim extremist?
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