Do you think a minor should be sent to prison for life without parole for something that was illegal but not homicide?

Answer #1

I think depending on how close the minor is to an adult and how illegal the crime is yeah but if it was like illegally downloading music I think they should have to pay a fine and spend zero time in jail and do community service or something.

Answer #2

it depends on what it is, if they mu.rdered someone and knew what they were doing the whole time, then yes. some horrible kids can still be kind of mature enough to know exactly what there doing and how wrong it is, and if its bad enough, they desrve the punnishment that fits the crime. however it obviosly depends on what exactly they did.

Answer #3

I think that’s a tough one to decide; we all do stupid things growing up and do deserve a second chance to make things right or at least make a positive difference. If a person is set on a very destructive path, though, and is a danger to others.. well, then perhaps it’s best they’re away from people they could very well pose a threat to.

At the end of the day, though it may suck for the minor, the goal is to make a decision that positively impact more than just one person. If that means being locked away, then that’s just what they have to accept. They did, after all, cause themselves to be there..

Answer #4

It depends how old you mean. If it’s like a little boy or girl, who did not know what she or he was doing due to his age, then no, I don’t think that would be a smart idea, and I don’t think they would even do that. But if we are talking about a teenager, than yes, depending on what he or she did too, b/c I don’t think making stupid choices and doing something that hurts other people in any way or stuff of the kind should he something you can get away from just because your a minor. At a certain age you know righy from wrong, if you choose wrong, that sucks, because sooner or latter consequences will or should come.

Answer #5

The only times ANYONE is sent to prison for life without parole is for very serious crimes. Like homicide. If the crime is that serious, then yes.

Answer #6

I don’t think so. A minor should not be sent to prison for life. And a minor should not be sent to a prison with adults inmates, either.

Minors should be sent to somewhere, where they get education, where they are supervised, 100% drug-free and where they get appropriate therapy to change aggressive behavior and cure any addiction. Like a boot camp with psychologists, teachers and other pedagogic personell. I mean, they’re kids basically. If they commit crimes that means not only they failed but also their parents, society, school and everyone else failed too. They should be told what’s wrong and what’s right. Over again, till they get the point. They should be shown that they have a chance to lead an honest life. And thn they should get a second chance.

If all this doesn’t help before they turn 18, you can still give up on them.

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