What do you think will happen in Egypt now that the dictator got ousted?

It seems to be a trend, first Maldives 30 year dictator goes down and now the Egyptian dictator goes down. Will the country end up more like Maldives (who’s president was mentioned as 100 thought leaders by leading western publications) or will it finish up like Nepal, where post revolution, they still lack a cohesive government?

Answer #1

well, I’m Egyptian :) I’ll tell you, in the mean time there are 5 or 6 people whome we call here as the ‘brain people’ they are going to give us advices and stuff about how things should actually go. Now, the country is controled by the army, since Moubarak got ousted. we are all waiting for next September to do the voting thing about who is gonna be the director :) hope I helped :)

Answer #2

Thanks. The former dictator of Maldives (Maumoon Abdul Gayoom) studied in Egypt and styled himself in many ways after the new, previous, dictator of Egypt…

…side question: do you think that functioning democracy is compatible with Islam?

Answer #3

The ideal thing would be to hold a peaceful election and go on with life. but it probably won’t happen. Some power hungry people will try to assume positions of power. but we will see

Answer #4

What seems most important to me about what’s happening in Egypt is that it’s not just a change of leadership. Rather, it’s a mobilization of tens of millions of people to take responsibility for defining their own country, society, and governance. That genie is not so easy for anyone to stuff back in the bottle.

Answer #5

Elona, congratulations on what the youth of your country have accomplished! Can you name who some of the “brain people” you mentioned are, and tell us something about them?

Answer #6

Don’t forget that you all have brains too. Scrutinize every decision. Don’t just accept whichever name the brain people throw your way. Hopefully Egypt won’t become just another shade in the color revolutions. I’m not preaching… just hoping that you all show more mettle than we have.

Answer #7

Jeremy: not at all ! I’m Muslim too by the way :) One of the main things in Islam is Democracy. The prophet Mohammed has always tought people to be democtatic because simply it will accomplesh justice.

Answer #8

Hi, I just wanted to say, that I’m really ashamed of the reactions of my own government. I’m German. Our press and our politicians - just like all other European politicians are sooo mega-hypocrite.

All the people in North Africa are making peaceful protests against the old dictators. Not only Egypt. Also Tunisia. And there are protests in many other countries. I mean: This ist the base idea of democracy. The power is with the people. The people decide who is good enough to govern them and who is not. We should help them, we should be supporting those movements. This is about freedom and about human rights. That is exactly what we always asked for. That the world should be ruled by the people who live in it, and not by small powerful groups who oppress the others.

And my D*MN government is working with the dictators. Why? They’re scared. Scared that a democracies will be harder to negotiate with, maybe. Scared that we’ll actually have to pay fair prices for oil. Scared that momentary instability will be bad for our economy. A sheer catastrophe! We’ll have to pay higher prices for child-manufactured carpets from India if the administration of the Suez-Canal gets into disorder. Only because some unapologetic Egyptians want a job, food, freedom and a decent government. And they’re scared that some religious people will be allowed to form their own political parties. (we also have religious political parties, in case you don’t know. Germanys largest party is the “Christian democratic union”) But our leaders are officially scared. Because many Egyptians are Muslims: People who are serious about their religion (unthinkable in Germany).

I mean: What have they been babbling about all the time? Guard human rights, bring forward freedom, bring forward democracy. Now here’s the chance! And what do they come with? Skepticism, mistrust and lamentos about economic stability.

It’s so disgusting. I’ really sorry about voting for these people. I’m really sorry about my countries behavior. And I think I’m not the only one.

bye the sheep

Answer #9

Trenth : sure =) there’s Dr Ahmed Zowel ( he’s the first scientist to invent the Phemtosecond, and he took the Nobel prize for it) Dr. Amr Moosa Dr. Ahmed Kamal Abu El Majd Mounir fakhry the journalist Mahmoud Saad (he was one of first people to say that The director should be changed) Najib Saweras ( even though he owns Mobinil company, he helped Vodafone alot in defending the French company from buying it by force. Plus, he used to know the previous director : Anwar El Sadat, who was literally a legand) and there are 3 more I guess but i cant really remember their names I’m sorry :)

Answer #10

miscegenymiser : dont worry! we were already sort of in an illusion by the Director. I guess no one now will accept the fact that we should listen 2 anyone Like forexample, They suggested that we should vote now for a director to ‘their’ group. But everyone refused, since it’s gonna be like a group controlling the county :)

Answer #11

Good for the Egyptians. Godspeed an unencumbered transition!

Answer #12

sister was there caught in the middle of it. MY egyptian friend told me how everything is getting crazier. I have a feeling everything is gonna go mad! Anarchy and chaos…

Answer #13

right nw we r investegating and taking our money bck

Answer #14

Considering that the former dictator is one of the richest guys in the world…that’s awesome :)

Answer #15

i knw how the hell did he got 79 billyar ??? Gorge boshe dont have tht kind of money

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