Health Questions

  1. What should I do about my life?
  2. When did I mostly likely ovulate, can anybody help me?
  3. What should I do about my knee?
  4. What are some ways I can get rid of yeast infiction?
  5. how do I keep my food down in my stomach after eating?
  6. Why is my hearing so messed up like this!?
  7. What do I do? I think somethings wrong with me?
  8. why do I have a lump on my vagina and it herts?
  9. why are my hands & feet always cold lol?
  10. How can I help my foot?
  11. what should I do about taking my pill?
  12. When my penis foreskin goes back m not feel well?
  13. When did I conceive?
  14. Why theres that whit thing please help ?
  15. How often is intuition correct when it comes to pregnancy?
  16. Where can I get my teeth fixed for free?
  17. How can a pregnant woman detox from marijuana?
  18. Who tried Melatrol?
  19. What's a natural remedy for a.d.h.d.??
  20. What would happen if I skipped a month of birth control?
  21. What are good thing to eat and drink when im coughing a lot?
  22. When you have your period do you sweat more?
  23. How do I get over a phobia without facing it?
  24. How do I stop bleeding from a cut toe?
  25. What. Am I prego if my boobs hurt and im not really hungry anymore?
  26. How much will birth control cost me from planned parenthood?
  27. What can I do, can't go to the toilet?
  28. Why does my breast and nipples hurt so badly I cant even sleep?
  29. How do you treat cuts in the side of your mouth?
  30. Why do I keep turning red?
  31. How do I get pot out of my system while pregnant?
  32. Why can't I concieve again?
  33. Why am I depressed and crying?
  34. How does labour feel?
  35. Why havent I got my Period yet, Im a month of 14 and I am so FLAT?
  36. Is anyone missing a part of their ear?
  37. What could my symtoms mean?
  38. what to do if my stomache is bloated and feels uncomfortable?
  39. what hieght?
  40. How do I stop staying up so late for no damn reason?
  41. Why does it Hirt when I take a tampon out ?
  42. What does it mean cause im getting 2 periods a month?
  43. Why is my period early when I am on the pill?
  44. How damaging are arrows?
  45. What happens when you take 3 divalproex?
  46. Where can you get shot that won't cause serious damage?
  47. Why do I need counseling just because my friend died?
  48. What is wrong wit me?
  49. Why do people have long vaginal lips ?
  50. Is it a pulled muscle?
  51. Why do I lose my breath so much?
  52. What happened to me when I smoked this weed?
  53. Why do people get addicted to cutting?
  54. Why havent I started my period yet, I've had discharge for 2 years?
  55. How can I stop myself from throwing up?
  56. Is it okay to do sit ups while trying to get pregnant?
  57. What are chances of me being infertile?
  58. What do I do if I'm pregnant?
  59. How can belly aches caused by period be stopped?
  60. Why am I hungry 24/7?
  61. why did I get my period and it went away?
  62. Why does blood make me wanna faint?
  63. What could happen if you drink toilet water?
  64. How does ovulating work?
  65. Why would my breasts hurt at age 42?
  66. How come I've got a mixture of blood with pee in my pants?
  67. What color is the blood?
  68. How to stop these fat thoughts?
  69. How is a 14 year girl affected when drinkin 2 cups of coffee a week?
  70. What could be wrong? Could I be anaemic?
  71. What should you do about a friend who doesn't eat much?
  72. When your pregnant can yo take one benadryl?
  73. What can I do about random mood stings?
  74. What's going on?
  75. How to reduce bigger lips?
  76. How do I clean my pussy???
  77. When are the best times to get STI tested?
  78. Why bleeding inbetween?
  79. Why does my right wrist sweat sometimes?
  80. How do I get rid of bad breath that wont go?
  81. Who out there knows if "Jelqing" works?
  82. Why do people assume that women are helpless if they're raped?
  83. How to stop anger?
  84. What is wrong wit me?
  85. what do you think my chances are of being prego?
  86. what could happen to my aunt if she drinks?
  87. What happens when you get a belly button piercings then loose lbs?
  88. why do I have two peeholes ?
  89. how to tell if this cut I have on my leg is infected?
  90. What can I do I just got my period what do I do?
  91. which is right--what delays ovulation or what delays menstruation?
  92. What can I do to feel better?
  93. What are the effects of being pregnant at 17?
  94. How do I stop my period for my wedding day?
  95. Why can't I sleep at night or do but wake up and not feel like it?
  96. How can you differentiate between hunger and thirst?
  97. What does a fever without any other symptoms mean?
  98. When will I get some sleep lord?
  99. When can you declaire that you're an insomniac?
  100. How does legal bud get you high?