Health Questions

  1. What if you take 15 tylenol everyday?
  2. What do I do to stop my anger from getting the best of me?
  3. Why cant I have childern?
  4. How are moles removed, please read?
  5. How can I get rid of toenail fungi??
  6. Why have I missed a period if im a virgin and 13?
  7. Why is my pinky and ring finger orange?
  8. How possible to be far and near sighted?
  9. What home remedies is good to use to pass a crystal meth test?
  10. Where did your water break?
  11. Why did I bleed so much?
  12. What's wrong with me, I have not gotten my period?
  13. Can you help me with migraines please?
  14. How-- x-rays sterilize possibility? Please help?
  15. Why haven't I begun to have morning sickness?
  16. Can I get pregnant after a tubal ligation?
  17. How healthy is a Sushi diet and how effective?
  18. What effect of x-rays?
  19. How: are there any things I can do to make my period come soon?
  20. What Do I Do To Stop Myself From Getting Sick?
  21. What does it mean if you get milk like fluid coming out of breast ?
  22. What are white spots on your arms and legs that appear?
  23. Who takes water pills?
  24. When do you get sick from Plan B?
  25. Who know's the strongest Allergy Meds. to take for a worst case?
  26. When in the female cycle other than ovulation can you get pregnant?
  27. How can emergency contraceptives, like Plan B, make you pregnant?
  28. How can I get marijuana out of my system in 2 days?
  29. How do I de-stress?
  30. Why can I not see my hymen any more could I have been violated ?
  31. How can I stop feeling like something terrible's going to happen?
  32. How much is a new tattoo supposed to burn??
  33. Can something bad happen?
  34. What are the symptoms of a pulled groin?
  35. Why do I smell bad in school, help?
  36. How can I have a nice bath while on my period?
  37. What do I do after I take shrooms?
  38. What, Sharing gum!?
  39. How can I get all the thc out of my system in 3 days?
  40. How long will it take me to give myself an enema?
  41. How can you get rid of thrush (vaginal) ?
  42. Why do I feel this way, is it normal in pregnancy?
  43. Can I have herpes without an open sore?
  44. When is it a good time to take pregnancy test after missed peroid ?
  45. How to stop depression I miss my dad PLEASE HELP?
  46. Why are my brests sore/tender?
  47. What drives a person to smoke weed?
  48. how do you get rid of the feeling you r letting someone down to go away?
  49. WHy am I psycho?
  50. What is this red spot on my boob?
  51. How long does a hicky last?
  52. How can I push my self into laber?
  53. What can I do about my lip?
  54. Why do I have a small lump in the side of my neck that hurts ?
  55. Why does this lower back pain happen?
  56. How do I stop the blood leaking threw my pants..AT SCHOOL!?
  57. Why do cigarettes give me the urge to have a bowel movement?
  58. When I get ready to cum it burns before coming out why?
  59. Who knows if it would make it better or worse?
  60. Why is my friend peeing so much?
  61. What is wrong with me if my period continues for a month?
  62. Why do I have this obsession with being abused?
  63. What is this itch in my throat?
  64. Can breaking your hymen cause you to start your period?
  65. Why does my back crack when I lay down?
  66. What should I do about my high fever?
  67. what can I do to cheer myself up?
  68. When getting birth control, do you absolutely have to get an exam?
  69. Why is my vagina irritated?
  70. Why am I constantly bleeding?
  71. What is risk if I take multivitamins with royal jelly @ same time ?
  72. When do most people get their wisdom teeth?
  73. What would the world be like without emotions?
  74. What is the reason I've have I had my discharge for so long?
  75. How long before you can't have kids?
  76. What could a Canadian minor do about a doctor's appointment?
  77. How do I know what is going on with my stomach?
  78. Why does my eyebrow shake?
  79. What options do I have as woman to have children as am sterilized?
  80. Why does my back hurt?
  81. How could I possibly be pregnant?
  82. How do I make my boobs stop itching?
  83. Why does only milk give my diarrhea? am I lactose intolerant?
  84. What does it mean that I eat a lot before my period?
  85. What can I do to get rid of my cold ( stuffy nose ) ?
  86. How to get rid of your voice changing faster?
  87. How can she overcome her stress?
  88. Who knows if I should go to the doctors or not?
  89. How can I improve my blood circulation?
  90. How long for the piss test?
  91. Why do girls take enema other than constipation?
  92. How can I be pregnant if steralized for two years?
  93. How can I get rid of bruises in 5 days?
  94. What are the risk for lip and industrial piercings??
  95. Why is my pee foggy?
  96. When using metrogel for bacteria infections, where do I apply it?
  97. What effects could Yaz have?
  98. How to release anger and stress?
  99. How do I get rid of this bump on my head(goose egg)?
  100. How do blood types work?