Why cant I have childern?

When I was 14 my doctor started me on birth control and I havent started my period yet. Can that prevent me 4rom having kids.. Im bout 2 be 23 and I havent ever been pregnant yet.. Please give me answers because I think I cnt have any and I want some

Answer #1

Why not go back to your doctor and take a fertility test. The hormones in birth control shouldn’t have any detrimental impact on your pregnancy nature. It could be something else besides the birth control, take a fertility test too find out.

Hope this helps.

Answer #2

… Usually birthcontrol is to reduce your period.. Or help to regulate it. If you go off the birthcontrol then you should start ovulating again.

Answer #3

okay but what im sayin is I never started my peroid on my own she started me on birth control 2 help my period come

Answer #4

Well if you go off the birthcontrol then it should start.

Answer #5

I been off birthcontrol 4 years

Answer #6

I will thanks

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