what can I do to cheer myself up?

im 14 years old. I’ve been really sulky lately, and my family and friends are starting to notice and ask questions. I’ve been trying to be more positive and in a better mood but I just cant do it. whenever someone asks me whats wrong now I just tell them, “my happy ran away” and theyre just like ok. but my parents are asking a million questions about my friends and my life and why im so upset all the time. I dont know what to tell them. what can I do to cheer myslef up, at least around people??

Answer #1

Depression can affect anyone at any age and is suprisingly common. I have been through it personally and can say that it does not sound like you are majorly depressed, but certainly are showing some signs so you should maybe keep an eye out. I would advise keeping a diary if you do not already, as that can be a great way to get emotions out and deal with them. Also try and talk to people if things bother you, e.g. someone said something mean about you, as it can be hard to deal with things like that alone and bottle it up.

If you continue to feel this way then talk to a school counsellor or go and see your doctor and just explain the situation. Personally counselling was beneficial for me, so I do recommend it. It is good that everyone seems so concerned, so make sure you try and use them and talk about anything that bothers you so you can try and feel happier again. Everyone has down periods now and again (at your age it is particularly common due to the hormones of puberty), just ride it through and try and make sure you go out and enjoy yourself, keep up your social life etc and you should be fine again soon. Maybe try a new class or hobby to give you something to get excited about?

Answer #2

I know what you’re going through and for me the best thing to do as was already pointed out was to find a way to excite myself, and take my mind off things. Recently joggings been one of them, or you could keep a journal, take a few classes, start making youtube videos(hahaa?), or maybe get a pet. Try to involve yourself with your friends and family. Don’t feel obliged to appear happy; if you’re going through something your family needs to know that.

Answer #3

I think you are going into a depression. It’s very common. You should tell your parents you don’t know whats wrong, and maybe you are going into depression.

Answer #4

but im only 14.. I didnt think I was old enough to be going thru depression?

Answer #5

Depression can effect anyone at any age. But before you go to the doctor and get prescibed meds, try natural remedies. Get those endorphins high! By riding a bike or going for a jog with friends. [look up the word endorphins!] and if you do decide to go to the doc, try to get a therapist or counc. Because THEY are certified to treat people with depression and other disoders such as bipolarity and anger problems while most docs arent. However, its completley natural at your age due to puberty and changes in hormones! Hope it helped!

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