Health Questions

  1. Is it normal to all of a sudden have high blood pressure or is it suppose to happen gradually?
  2. Does sweet oil help for an ear ache?
  3. What is some information on gay bullying that leads to suicide?
  4. What can I do for a 2nd degree sunburn on my face?
  5. What happens with an antidepressant overdose?
  6. What are the side effects of a trazadone overdose?
  7. How does someone fall asleep with their eyes open?
  8. Is it possible to die of extreme depression/sadness?
  9. what is the normal age for suicide thoughts?
  10. How do you wrap a sprained wrist?
  11. What can we do together to combat depression?
  12. How do you make Psoriasis go away?
  13. What's wrong with my daddy's foot?
  14. What stuff happens when you are stressed?
  15. Why does my face keep twitching?
  16. What are the signs of cancer?
  17. How can I deal with the anger and hatred I have for someone?
  18. Does your body tell you you're getting sick, if yes how?
  19. What would happen to my scar on my stomach if I were to ever have a baby?
  20. How young is too young to take Melatonin pills?
  21. What's the difference between a natural birth and a water birth?
  22. Do blood tests hurt?
  23. Can you get high from body spray such as Axe?
  24. What could be the cause of my foot "falling asleep"?
  25. Is it common to get a "natural high" feeling when up late, but not exercising for the feeling?
  26. What happens if you accidently eat expired chocolate?
  27. Is it true that abstaining from alcohol may lead to a shorter life?
  28. Do you drink to get drunk or drink to have a good time and know your limits?
  29. Does anybody know a good remedy to make my throat feel better after having my tonsils taken out 9 days ago?
  30. What do you do when you have eaten peanuts and you're about to go out with someone who's got allergies?
  31. Would taking 3 to 4 Vicodin be bad?
  32. What can be done if my husband gets piles only a few times per year?
  33. What's these little scrape/burns/missing skin above my facial piercings?
  34. Are there places where suicidal people can go to get help face to face?
  35. How will a doctor treat genital warts?
  36. Does Listerine help mouth ulcers and/or sore throats?
  37. What is the strongest prescribed cough syrup someone could get?
  38. Is there a cure or dru!g for Post Paycheck Depression?
  39. What may cause my being unable to sleep in my regular time?
  40. Why is my face swollen after taking a simple pain killer?
  41. How bad is it beng anemic?
  42. Does everyone have suicidal thoughts throughout their lifetime?
  43. Does dish detergent for a dishwasher have to be approved by the FDA?
  44. What percentage of teens commit suicide because of bullying?
  45. how some men can have an orgasm without ejaculating?
  46. is it bad i want people to call me fucked up? is it bad i like to be degraded?
  47. How do you get rind of a ringworm?
  48. What are some fast ways to stop bleeding?
  49. When you have a tummy ache, does drinking milk make you feel worse?
  50. What helps stimulate appetite?
  51. Can you get pregnant a week after a miscarriage?
  52. Why is it that my period pain each month is getting worse even though I hardly fill up a tampon and I'm on the pill?
  53. Does Pete Docter have Marfan's Syndrome?
  54. How do you convince someone they have a problem with alcohol?
  55. Why is it when I see in the mirror, my eyes look kinda greenish?
  56. Can acyclovir (Zovirax) cause flu like symptoms?
  57. Why does my heart beat really fast all the time?
  58. Is it okay if a pregnant women takes medication (Nyquil, Advil, Tylenol)?
  59. How bad is "sippin syrup purple" for you?
  60. Why is it that when you get a fever your forehead gets hot?
  61. How long does it take for the taste buds on your tongue to grow back after a really bad burn on the tongue?
  62. Is it really free and confidential to get tested at Planned Parenthood?
  63. Why do bruises go green, brown, purple, blue etc.?
  64. Why do your eyes swell when you cry for a long time and how do you get the swelling down?
  65. How to be brave in social situations when you have social phobia?
  66. Can a structure of nose change over the year ?
  67. How long does it take to get addicted to smoking?
  68. Is a hole in gum after tooth extraction normal?
  69. Why do I get a stomach ache when I eat?
  70. When you get a toothache, how does brushing your teeth help?
  71. How can you reduce the hunch, how can I make it go away?
  72. Why does my body get ice cold when I get angry?
  73. How come when it's so hot I get uncomfortable, get stomach pain, and a headache?
  74. Does applying Blistex to your lips before smoking prevent black lips?
  75. Why do I get random pain in my nose?
  76. Why do I get a really bad pain in my lower back at random times?
  77. How do you know when you slip into depression?
  78. Can you eat something after haveing a procedure where they go into your stomach and take a piece of it?
  79. Does laser eye surgery hurt?
  80. Does lipozene the diet pill have an effect on people that take medication for seizures?
  81. What should we do about really bad, dry and cracked skin on hands?
  82. Is there a cure for overactive salivary glands?
  83. What should be done, before calling 911, if we notice that someone has slipped and fell unconconscious in a bathroom or on stairs?
  84. Is tooth cancer possible?
  85. Why do people itch?
  86. Why do my knees shake when going downstairs?
  87. Could a reaction to pills cause stomach pain, and feeling weak and faint?
  88. What does it mean when I have a pain in my stomach and I feel faint and weak?
  89. How can you increase blood flow all over your body?
  90. What is the best way to clear a blocked nose with out blowing the heck outta it?
  91. Why are some people so fatalistic?
  92. What are these 'droplets' on my wound?
  93. Can a woman get pregnant with twins by two different men?
  94. What is a genetic disorder that is not real common, but that I can still get a testimonial and a foundation specialized for that disorder?
  95. Why does my ear hurt really bad sometimes when I wake up even if I didn't sleep on it?
  96. Why do my fingers fall asleep so easily lately?
  97. How come the side of my cheek hurts if I didn't fall or didn't get punched or anything?
  98. How can i tell the difference between post-partum depression and just being stressed with taking care of two little ones?
  99. How come everytime I think about food or smell food I feel the need to puke until I'm hospitalized?
  100. Is it natural to pee your bed?