How do you get rind of a ringworm?


Answer #1

An antifungal like clotrimazole works best.

Where is it?

Answer #2

Dont cover it Its a fungus so it feeds off of moisture. Use Tenactin or Lamisil, the stuff for jocks itch. I know it sounds silly, I thought the same thing, but its an antifungal and it will be gone in a week, and its only like $10. Better than a dr appt.

Answer #3

Tea Tree oil works really well. You can purchase it at most stores with phamecies.

Answer #4

slap a mean dik on it

Answer #5


Answer #6

Athlets foot? :) and it hard not to cover it up do I just need 2 wear loose clothing? :) thx helped a lot

Answer #7

helps me when i slap my sons peni$ on it

Answer #8

Paint clear nail polish over it. It sounds crazy, but it is a fungus, so it needs oxygen to live. If you cover it with nail polish, it dies and goes away. Plus, it works fast and only cost about $1.

Answer #9

NP. Yeah the stuff that says Jocks itch and Athetes foot. It doesnt hurt, it takes any itch away, it acutally keeps your skin from getting a scar from it or getting flakey and scabby. I found Tenactin to work the best. They have some that are specifically for ring worm too, its in the same style bottle, usually on the same shelf right next to it. But if not these work just as well ^_^ Best of luck <3

Answer #10

You are the definition of helpless.

Answer #11

Adding to this, use an antiseptic on the area as well, that dries out the fungus. Something like tee tree oil wil also help a lot.

Answer #12

i can’t put nail polish on it.

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