Health Questions

  1. Is it true this video made/makes kids kill themselves?
  2. Could breast cancer affect your chances of pregnancy?
  3. How long does 0.9% Sodium Chloride (saline) soultion really last for once opened?
  4. Why can't I get bad thoughts out of my head?
  5. What is Restless Leg Syndrome?
  6. Can I catch mono from my sister using my toothbrush?
  7. Can stress cause nosebleeds?
  8. How can I stop feeling bad about eating something I don't find very healthy and good for me?
  9. whats the wierdest shit that happened to you wen u were high?
  10. What are these random red dots I've had my whole life ?
  11. What does it mean when you've got a hard stomach and you're giving out gas a lot lately?
  12. What medication, food, or exercise should I use to help my back aches?
  13. What's a possible reason for dizziness, backache, and stomachache?
  14. What does it mean when your veins pop out and hurt?
  15. Can you over hydrate yourself from drinking too many liquids in a day?
  16. How to avoid parasitic worms?
  17. What happens if you drink too much Redbull?
  18. Could I be allergic to fresh basil?
  19. Is it normal to have a different eye color in each eye?
  20. How to detoxify my body from Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)?
  21. Is there any sports protective eye-wear or eyeglasses that give good eye vision?
  22. How old do you have to be to buy birth control pills in a store?
  23. Why do my bones make noises?
  24. Why does everything smell differently when I step out of the shower?
  25. Is it possible to visit a therapist without parental consent?
  26. What does discharge in the ear mean?
  27. What's chronic hearing?
  28. What happens when you don't get enough sleep?
  29. Can not eating breakfast damage your stamina?
  30. What does the "day after" pill do?
  31. Does anyone know of any online counseling sites that don't use chat?
  32. How do you get rid of a blister by 6:30am tomorrow?
  33. How long does it take for dilated eyes to return back to normal?
  34. Is it possible to overdose on depo?
  35. What do you think is worse to use as a sleeping aid - alcohol, or actual sleeping pills?
  36. What triggers acid reflux?
  37. Is it true that sleeping over 10 hours per day can possibly cause depression?
  38. How can I get myself to stop thinking so I can fall asleep?
  39. How do you get rid of middle child syndrome?
  40. How do I get a piece of meat that is stuck in my throat out?
  41. Can it be harmful to be bitten by a mosquito a lot of times, like 12 times at once?
  42. Why am I bleeding so heavily a few days before I'm due to take my Nuvaring out?
  43. How can you tell if a cut is infected?
  44. What is this lump in my throat that's been there for 3 and a half months?
  45. What's the best home remedy for stomach acid?
  46. What to give my boyfriend who is sick?
  47. Why don't some women's nipples go hard when they're being intimate with someone?
  48. What could be reasons my jaw suddenly hurts so much whenever I bite?
  49. Is it common for a period to last a couple of hours?
  50. How to convince an alcoholic to stop drinking?
  51. Why do I get chills and bumps on my skin when I listen to some certain songs?
  52. What could be the best body detox (read more)?
  53. Why does crying make people really tired?
  54. How long after labor will things go back to "normal"?
  55. Is it bad to finger yourself if you havent had your period yet?
  56. Could I be bipolar?
  57. Can people catch mange from a dog who has it?
  58. How long are you in the hospital after a Hysterectomy?
  59. What is the most trusted cosmetic surgery company in the UK?
  60. When you get your wisdom teeth pulled, what can you use to relieve pain other than their medications?
  61. Why do I get discharge while exercising?
  62. How can I calm down fast when I get mad at someone or something?
  63. How can I brush the back of my tongue without gagging?
  64. What does it mean when I get heartburn and headaches after eating pretty much anything?
  65. Can shoes cause toe arthritis?
  66. What to do when my breath stays minty and smells decent for half an hour at the most ?
  67. Does anyone know what this is, what caused it, or if any of these things are related?
  68. Why do I have an irregular heartbeat?
  69. Why do oranges make me really sick?
  70. What are some excuses ana people would use to say they can not eat?
  71. Is it true that you may die from drinking too much water?
  72. Why do condoms expire?
  73. How do I help a blister heal faster?
  74. How can I stop my depression?
  75. How to reduce the pain of minor burns?
  76. How to ask your parents for an STD test?
  77. How does swimming effect the body figuer ?
  78. What does putting perfume on a cut do to it?
  79. Is it a stomach ulcer or gastroenteritis?
  80. Is this is a scab (read more)?
  81. Why do I constantly have thick, creamy, white vaginal discharge?
  82. How to treat a sports injury?
  83. Does anybody know where I could get a job in St. John's Newfoundland?
  84. Can I control what I say or do with him when I'm drunk?
  85. How to figure out a mystery allergy?
  86. What are reasons your hair would fall out?
  87. What can a person do if they have a black dot in their heart but they already went to the doctor?
  88. Do anorexic girls really stop menstruating after long enough?
  89. Why did I throw up my vitamins (read more)?
  90. How can I stop these night terrors?
  91. What is the best way to prevent chaffing while marching?
  92. Could my change in diet affect the headaches I've been getting?
  93. What's menopause?
  94. How long will it take for Wate-On emulsion to add weight?
  95. Could pent up excitement have the same affect on your health as pent up stress?
  96. What can I do if I keep bleeding and it won't stop?
  97. What do you do when you have conflicting emotions?
  98. Is it safe to stretch during the later months of pregnancy?
  99. Is it possible for a woman to avoid menopause?
  100. Is poison ivy contagious from inanimate objects besides the leaves or vine (read more)?