Health Questions

  1. How can I safely open my cervix to induce labour?
  2. Could I get a PAP smear without my parents knowing even when I'm still a minor?
  3. What did I do to my shoulder?
  4. Why do people smoke or drink when they know it's bad for their health?
  5. What kind of performance glasses are effective for looking at the computer screen?
  6. Can I produce breast milk for my husband without being pregnant?
  7. Why are my nipples so sore?
  8. What are some public health issues?
  9. Why does not eating give you bad breath?
  10. What does it mean when you shake uncontrollably?
  11. Is my VCH piercing starting to reject?
  12. Is there a way to relieve soreness within a couple of hours?
  13. What should I expect when going to doctor's about my depression?
  14. Is there a disorder for someone who is a perfectionist (read more)?
  15. What do you think is the root cause of certain OCD's (obsessive compulsive disorders) and how do they progress?
  16. Is it possible to have overactive tear ducts?
  17. Can cutting wisdom teeth make you really sick and sore?
  18. How can I get rid of a corn if using a corn remover pad isn't working?
  19. What can you put on a belly button piercing infection?
  20. Is it possible for two teeth to share one root?
  21. How long is too long to take hormone replacements?
  22. Why do fleas prefer to bite some people over others?
  23. How can I make my jaw stop popping?
  24. Do abortions hurt more during the procedure or after it's all over?
  25. Can you sing better without your tonsils?
  26. What are your thoughts on the "non prescription over the counter" reading glasses?
  27. Does getting an abortion cost money if you go to a clinic and do you need parental consent in New Jersey?
  28. What are you supposed to do when you're on your period?
  29. What's a CAT scan?
  30. What is "congestion in the ear"?
  31. How do you stop yourself from killing yourself?
  32. Why do pregnant women sleep a lot, or often feel tired?
  33. Can birth control cause depression?
  34. Is it harmful to drink a gallon of water a day?
  35. Why do the palms of our hands and the bottom of our feet have different pigmentation than the rest of our body?
  36. How can I stop peeling the skin under my fingers?
  37. Are these muscle spasms a type of seizure?
  38. What should I do if I missed a day of birth control pills?
  39. What is the job of the E. Coli that live in your colon?
  40. What's a good activity to do, at home, while under stress?
  41. Is it normal to want to drink alone?
  42. Is it normal to have days where you feel exhausted for no reason, once in a while?
  43. Is it bad that I can literally count the number of reasons I am alive on one hand?
  44. What can make me fall asleep at night, other than sleeping pills?
  45. How do you get rid of worms in a human body without medication?
  46. Does wearing glasses make your vision stronger?
  47. Why can I feel the pressure building up in my head?
  48. Why is my period getting lighter every month?
  49. Why do I lose half my body weight in less than a week when I am worried or stressed?
  50. Are glasses a good or bad thing?
  51. Should I worry about this pain in my stomach?
  52. What are some good ways to get a knot out of your lower back?
  53. Why do my ears itch so bad from the headphones?
  54. Is it normal to have a sharp pain in my vagina whilst being fingered? And a small drop of blood? And will this reoccur? Yes I am I virgin btw.
  55. Is it normal to cry and you have no idea why?
  56. What color is stomach acid?
  57. How can I find out what blood type I am without having to pay for it?
  58. Is there another way to get one month of contraceptives if I have been getting them from a planned parenthood clinic (see details)?
  59. How do you get rid of a corn on the bottom of your foot quickly?
  60. How to quickly heal pulled muscles?
  61. Why have I been so tired lately (read more)?
  62. How do I postpone my menstrual cycle?
  63. What are some reasons for a boy of 16 to feel sick for about a week now?
  64. Why do people say cutting your wrists is a suicide attempt?
  65. What causes erectile problems in teens?
  66. What could be causing this pain in my head (read more)?
  67. How to make a popped blister heal quicker?
  68. How can I stop sweating excessively even when I put on so much deodorant?
  69. What are some good electrolytes?
  70. Is there a difference between syphilis you're born with and syphilis you contract?
  71. Why do so many people think just because someone is in a wheelchair that something is wrong with their mind?
  72. Is there a disease/disordorder like this?
  73. How do I fix an ingrown toe nail?
  74. What could cause heavy, abnormal bleeding, back pain, and stomach cramps?
  75. What is a comfortable way to sit or lay down with really bad period pain?
  76. Why do the bones in my legs ache when I itch?
  77. Is there any type of medication that helps with self consciousness?
  78. Does nicotine modifies your brain cells so you will always crave it?
  79. How much and for how long do you have to drink to become alcoholic, and what are the chances of becoming one?
  80. Can being in a hot room cause lightheadedness?
  81. How can I stop picking the skin around my nails?
  82. What are the symptoms of Strep Throat?
  83. Why does my throat feel puffy?
  84. Would this be OCD or some other sort of anxiety disorder?
  85. What is the Echinacea that people take for regular sicknesses?
  86. What are reasons for a hysterectomy?
  87. How to make a cheese ball?
  88. What are monoamniotic twins?
  89. Which is better to clean your navel piercing - sea salt or anti-bacterial soft-soap?
  90. What is the TB shot; what does it do?
  91. Is it normal to get a lump on the arm after getting a shot?
  92. How do I stop being a crazy person when I'm on that special time?
  93. Should I finally tell my step mom I think I need to go to the doctor?
  94. Why do we hallucinate when we are ill?
  95. What are some good ways to be lifted out of depression?
  96. What is a consultation?
  97. Why do I feel like this before I wake up and how can I stop it (read more)?
  98. Why does self harm seem so much more common an activity in the present time than it was in the past?
  99. What does this mean: "What are some of your main triggers for cutting and why"?
  100. Do I have to go to my GP to get anti-depressants?