Parents & Family Questions

  1. Do you think my mom hates me?
  2. Mother and I got in a fight
  3. Fun activities to do with young son and boyfriend?
  4. I have no freedom
  5. My Mom caught us
  6. How to tell my mom about emotions
  7. No freedom because of my brother, what to do?
  8. Can my mum be overweight but frail at the same time?
  9. My Dad is pushing me and my little brother away.
  10. Emancipation if I'm 18?
  11. Parents not letting their children go to a friend's house
  12. How do you tell your mum that you're dating older guys?
  13. Horrible Stepmum
  14. Is this like child abuse or just horse play?
  15. Where can I go if I leave home
  16. My mom grounded me for no reason
  17. My Mom doesn't accept emo
  18. I don't know how to get my mom to understand me
  19. Do adults or teenagers have more kids?
  20. Find my real daddy?
  21. What to do when your mom spends more time with her boyfriend?
  22. Would you rather have an identical sister or brother?
  23. Your opinion, are they being abused?
  24. Should I believe my dad because he lied to me before?
  25. Little sister's birthday card
  26. Would you say its stupid of me to have a baby when im 18 ?
  27. How to find my Dad's number?
  28. How can a 17 year old boy legally move out ?
  29. When do you need your parents around the most?
  30. 15 year old boy needs to get out
  31. Improper behaviour of my uncle
  32. What should I do if my dad is an alcoholic
  33. Mom said not to wrestle with my uncle anymore
  34. How do I convince my parents to let me date?
  35. Problems with my stepdad
  36. Just found out that my Mom isn't my Mom
  37. I want to move out
  38. What should I do?
  39. Why cant people let me do what I want?
  40. Is it ok to sleep in the same bed as a parent?
  41. Emancipation, how does it work?
  42. Another Child
  43. Im pregnant, how to tell my parents?
  44. Dealing with abusive parents
  45. I want the abuse to stop
  46. Move in with my dad at 17 in south carolina?
  47. How do I tell my mom I was raped by my uncle
  48. How do I tell my mentor that I was raped
  49. What do you think of this April Fools plan?
  50. Who can not stand their little siblings?
  51. April fool's day pranks
  52. How to find lost family
  53. I just found out my dad has type 2 diabetes..
  54. Hiding a tongue peircing?
  55. Blended family - I don't want my sister to leave
  56. My friends cut themselves
  57. Is my brother in iraq ok?
  58. Can I move out into my boyfriends house?
  59. Moving out at 14?
  60. I love my family but I want a baby
  61. Stupid family trouble.
  62. Where do I go if I want to move out at 13?
  63. 14 pregnant and want out of my home
  64. How to deal with my stepdad?
  65. Underage wanting to move out
  66. Annoying dad
  67. Asked my mom to take me out of this school and she wont
  68. Cousin has been in a coma, pray for us?
  69. I don't think any type of smacking should be allowed
  70. How do I tell my mum I want to leave?
  71. How to get my mom to let me move in with my sister?
  72. What are some good jokes for april fool's
  73. What if he likes me but my Dad is getting in the way?
  74. How do I tell my parents that I want to do porn?
  75. How to trace long lost fathers?
  76. My dad's upset that he found guy pics in my brother's room
  77. How old for emancipation?
  78. Fighting at home.
  79. My parents don't know that we're engaged
  80. My sister moved out and my friends are boring
  81. Why can't my family and I get along?
  82. Pregnant again, how to tell our families?
  83. My gran has cancer
  84. How would I deal with this?
  85. How to get my Mom to kick her friend out?
  86. Is it my fault?
  87. Parental Control
  88. Marriage to someone my family doesn't like
  89. Brother trouble
  90. My Older sister hits me all the time
  91. Hate my grandmother
  92. My little brother won't stop swearing
  93. Mom locked me in a cage.
  94. How to deal with an awful little sister?
  95. I Need To Get Away
  96. Living a Lie?
  97. Were you spanked, and how?
  98. The parents have found out
  99. Why does she do this to me?
  100. How to tell my Grandma that I'm bi?