Improper behaviour of my uncle

okay my uncle has playfully punched me in my chest and tickled me in my underarm and he tried to get in to my sleeve.I don’t understand and he is freaking me out please help right away!

Answer #1

I don’t understand what you’re talking about? He’s getting into your Sleeve, as in you are wearing a Short-sleeved shirt and he’s getting a little unnecessary going near a Swimsuit area, or what? If you could Funmail me or explain in greater detail-I’m a little confused sorry.

What you need to do is get away from your Uncle if he is scaring you with his behavior. If you’re alone with just your Uncle you need to call someone. Your mother, Father, anyone in your Family that can get you away from that situation.

It is not in ANY way acceptable for a Family member or Anyone to do that to you. If this has happened before or anything remotely suspicious you need to confront someone in the Family or a trusted Teacher at School.

Don’t let your Uncle get any closer to you. He may be playing around with you but getting a little to dirty, but I don’t know. It sounds very eerie to me. Don’t let him do anything to you that happens to a lot of people. Sexual Abuse scars people for life.

Answer #2

But 3 hours before you wrote this, you appeared mystified that your mom was asking you to stop wrestling with him. Didn’t you see the connection?

Answer #3

ehh I would for sure tell your mom or parents or whoever. thats realy not rite.. good luck :)

Answer #4

the chest pinching is plain out weird…he might be a perv

Answer #5

tell youre mom right now! thats totaley not right for him to put his hand in youre sleve.u need to deal w/ this or somthing more serious could hapen. I speak from expericence.

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