Asked my mom to take me out of this school and she wont

Ok well yesturday my new best friend solymar was picked on and is being constantly beat up by about 25 girls at a time and is being bullied.I tell them to stop but they wont stop.they wont leave her I got called to the office and was told she killed herself and it was because she was bein picked on.I just sat there staring at the cop and crying my eyes out.I want to die for her and hurt people that did this to her.picture 50 girls at recess,the other half of yesturday’s crowd,crowding around you calling you ugly,stupid,dumb,too ugly to get a guy,and all that.I dont know what to do,I asked my mom to take me out of this school and she wont but I want to leave so badly you have no can I convince my mom?

Answer #1

Wow sweetie, you have a lot on your plate right now. you should really go talk to your guidance councilor at school. kids can be really mean. unfortunately, kids will be mean where ever you are. your mom wants what is best for you. my guess would be that she either doesn’t believe you are in danger or she doesn’t have any other options. there are many times when I have run away from things that I didn’t want to deal with because it was painful or scary, but in the end, my problems followed me where ever I went. anywhere you go, you will see situations that will remind you of your friend. it is very sad that she didn’t feel she had other options. suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I doubt the mean girls wanted her to do that, but hopefully it taught them a lesson at the same time. this may not provide much comfort now, but you will be a stronger person having gone through this, knowing the potential outcomes of severe bullying. perhaps you can get with school officials or the student council and create an awareness group or a mentoring program in honor of your friend. again, I am so sorry you have to go through this. let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Answer #2

I’m really sorry for the loss of your friend. Its not hard to picture in your mind what she was going through. How long had this been going on? Did you bring this to the schools attention…anyones attention? If your mom isnt willing to listen to you about wanting to switch schools, is there a teacher, you trust that you can confide in & let him/her know how you’re feeling?

Answer #3

yeah,I did that me and my 2 best friends that have been bffls for 6 years are holding an assembly but only for the people that did this to her,and the police is going to be there and they fired the lazy behind guidance counselor because he knewe this was going on and she told us she’d start cutting herself and kill herself and he did nothing about it and now ill never see her again,ever.

Answer #4

well I talked to my guidance counselor but he’s a fat italian guy and he sits in his chair and doesnt do anything.maybe if he did she’d still be alive.

Answer #5

and to realize the last thing I said to her was let those people talk about you then,but just know you are pretty,and a lot more people like ou more than hate and she said whatever and thats the last I heard. imagine about 30 girls crowding around you that you dont even know calling you names just for being hurts and it killed my friend.

Answer #6

tell your mother that if you continue going to that skool. that it might lead to severe depression and might end up like your friend.

Answer #7

well thanks,and sorry bout your friend too.I told my mom that I needa get out because now everybodys turnin against me because of her death because they dunno how to blame themselves for their faults.

Answer #8

When I was in 7th grade, my best friend killed herself. Because of that to this day, I have depression, and anxitety issues and a lot more id rather not say. But you need to get out of that school. your going to have a lot more problems later on in life because of this insadent. Maybe there is a teacher or someone hire up that you can sit down and talk to about whats going on and how you feel. If you cant talk to your parents about whats going on, maybe you have another relative that you can confide in. If you dont get out of this situation, you might be next. And all those girls that did this to your friend should be punished to. No one ever should make someone feel so low on themselfs that is so wrong. If I was you and your mom wouldnt come get you from school or made you go to that school id say F**k her. It only gets worse and im being serious. You have to show your mom your the boss, because if not your going to end up like me, and trust me…if you knew what I feel or what I have dont to myself, ud smarten up really fast. Maybe its time to go move to grandmas or your aunts or whoever. just get the hell out of there NOW!!

Answer #9

OMG that is the most horrible thng to happen to a young kid. I always see your adivse as level headed and thats how you have to try to be in all of this. Those bullys should know that they have done this to this poor girl who died. These days bullying is so rife through schools its not even funny. They should have brought the police in before this happend. I mean they were bashing this girl and they let it happen? Here if that sort of thing goes on parents call the police and put a complaint in. I really feel for you right now but you have to stay strong. If you kill yourself then they have really won havent they. You are more mature in your little finger than they are in whole body so use this dreadfull situation as a learning and teaching lesson to kids in younger years. Maybe ask if you can do a talk to the whole school at assembly or something when you are strong enough so they can get a real understanding that what they have done has not just effected you but lots of people. These little bullys mustbe stopped ! If you need to chat fun mail me. xxx

Answer #10

Explain to her how upsetting this is for you. & I’m sorry about your friend I hope you get through it :(

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