Is it my fault?

When I was about 10 years old, I had this cousin that was about 18 at the time. And we were close. One day I got in a fight with my sisters so I walked next door to his house, cause he was like an older brother to me. So I went over and started crying cause I just got into a fight then he was like give me your hand, so I kept talking cause I had a feeling he was a little turned on so I kept talking, pretending that I didnt hear him, then he took my hand and put it down his pants.. Now it bothers me, I never told anyone this, only one close friend. I cant tell my mom. I think it might be to late anyways. I kept away from him since this day. I might of seen him a couple times but I just want it to remove from my head.

Answer #1

Not your fault - He initiated >> give me your hand << - Hope you talk to a trusted adult and get some help…I wish you the best !!

Answer #2

You need to tell a trusted adult,no matter how awkward it may be. Your cousin sexually assaulted you,and its not too late for him to do it again.

Answer #3

Sorry to hear about this, he took advantage of you luckily it didnt go to far but still you need to tell someone apart from your friend your mum will understand because this situtation IS NOT YOUR FAULT…you could talk to a councelor this might be your best option and eventually they will ease you into the fact of telling your parents…

Best of luck…but stay away from the jerk no matter what!!!

Answer #4

Mrscobain is right. You need to tell an adult that you trust. Evevn though you try to get rid of the memory, it is obviously still bothering you, and you need to get someone to help you so that you don’t have to carry such a burden with you. It is never right for someone to use a child in that way, and you need to make perfectly sure your cousin is not able to do that to you or another child again. Talk to your mom or another adult that you feel comfortable with soon!

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