Do adults or teenagers have more kids?

Is the percantage higher for adults having kids or teenagers having kids? I know so many teenagers that are trying to concieve. is teen pregnancy in style now in 2008?? whatcha thinkk?

im not saying its a bad thing. cuase I think its the best thing for teenage girls right now.

Answer #1

I also think more kids are having babies! I do not think it is a good thing though!! Why not enjoy your childhood rather then struggling to provide for a baby?

Answer #2

In my opinion teenager are having more kids than adult these dayz. I don’t think being prengnant iz a style!!!

Answer #3

Lol, ok the views on this site isnt exactly the place to be getting statistics from…

teen pregnancy is actually going down, and it hardly matches the adult pregnancy rates (I dont know about developing countries though…)

Answer #4

I don’t think teen pregnancy is a good thing. Personally in my area I know of at least 40+ girls under 20 who have already had their kids or are currently pregnant. I know of maybe 10+ adults. I think this varies from place to place. Although I don’t think kids should be having kids. Some of these teen mothers are still very immature and horrible mothers who can’t even provide for their children. However, some of these teen mothers are wonderful mothers. I’ve heard many of them say they love their children very much; however they wish they wouldn’t have come for a couple more years. I don’t think teen pregnancy is in style either. Kids are becoming sexually active at younger ages. Many aren’t being careful and end up getting pregnant.

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