Why does she do this to me?

Okay…this is stupid…my mom has told me…for the third time that I cannot go over to my friends house anymore (here2help)…just because I got up late…I just came home like now…she did want me to be back earlier…ugh…I hate it when she does this…it makes me feel like she doesn’t want me to have friends at all or a life! My life is already as boring as it is and she wants to do more to it!? I just want to know…I have seen it in her perspective…she probably feels like I enjoy being over there more than at home…that’s not true at all…or else I would move in over there…I don’t know what goes on in her mind really.

Answer #1

She’s just providing structure. And giving you repercussions. If you come home after curfew, you have privileges taken away. 1+1=2. That’s parenting 101.

Answer #2

my mom got tired of setting rules and punishments so she let my sister do whatever she wanted. now she does everything wrong, anger issues when my mom asks her to do anything and now she hates us. I think your mom just wants you to respect her. she wants you home at a certain time so that you can be out with friends but when your not home on time that’s when she worries. it’s sorta like a alarm that tells her something is wrong. she luvs you and wants to protect her. obey it for awile and maybe in time you could ask her for a later curfew… good luck…

Answer #3

Either way…yes she set a time…but don’t you think it’s a bit extreme to ban me from ever going over there? EVER? She said that…for eternity…

Answer #4

think of it from your mums point of veiw, she gives you a time 2 b home b.because she cares about you an likes 2 know your safe, its easy for you 2 say she ruining your life b.because you have rules an you cant get your own way theres rules where ever you go an wotever you do in life, I mean wud it really hurt 2 stay home now an again an spend sum time with your mum? as I was always told you treat people the way you expect 2 b treated urself an you always are rewarded 4 gud behavior an theres ALWAYS concequences 4 bad b.havor I was jus like you thought parents was jus out 2 ruin your life but now I am a mum myself I understand why they do it an try talkin 2 your mum you neva know you mayb surprised x x

Answer #5

There’s no curfew in the morning just earlier than 12 pm…

Answer #6

Please delete this posting it’s all sorted out!

Answer #7

it’s sorted out??? well good!!

Answer #8

I think your missing the point…

Answer #9

Never mind…it’s sorted out!

Answer #10

Oh and Polly 25…until recently that is all I’ve been doing…it was about time I got out!!! And besides she’s the one that isn’t even home now…bingo again…her addiction…so talk to her about spending time at home.

But yes I respect time rules still!

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