Parents & Family Questions

  1. I want my mom to have full custody of me
  2. How can I convince my mom to let me act?
  3. I am abused!I want out of that house!
  4. I don't so
  5. The Death of Somone You Loved
  6. baby food
  7. Belly Ring??
  8. My Mother
  10. Boyfriend becoming Abusive
  11. Just cus im young im stupid...?
  12. Pleasing Parents
  13. I've been having dreams about my family why?
  14. Do you think it's ok to let your kids call your close friends "aunt" and "uncle"?
  15. Favoratism?
  16. How to let my mum gimme a day off?
  17. I can't deal with them anymore...
  18. Baby Born with missing 3 Ribs
  19. Are You Under 18 Years Old and Don't get Along with Your Parents?
  20. Abortion-> Wrong Or Right??!
  21. I hate my mom
  22. mom put me in corner for swearing!
  23. Pregnant & Scareddd
  24. Tell me how please
  25. Im always told no
  26. Abusive parents
  27. How to tell my Mom I'm pregnant?
  28. Harboring a runaway
  29. Are You Happily Married ? Has Your Marriage Ever Failed?
  30. Anoying I guess I'll call her stepmom!
  31. What should I get my mom for christmas?
  32. Mom's gross g-string
  33. Parents and privacy
  34. Help me tell my mom I'm pregnant
  35. I need advice on moving out
  36. Has anyone here ever heard of the billing method?
  37. nude if front of family members
  38. my mom
  39. my friend is being molested by her dad?
  40. dealing with stress
  41. what should I get my dad for christmas? :)
  42. My dads in prison
  43. kinda scared plzzz help
  44. Oh my gosh I am so sorry (9/11)
  45. poisening
  46. Convince my Mom for another bunny
  47. Moving in with the other parent...
  48. how come my family hates me a
  49. parentsss / lifee .
  50. horrible faimly
  51. Stuck in illinois should I get out
  52. dad checking my chat log and history
  53. my parents make me want to die!
  54. WHAT DO I DO!!!
  55. .. what do you think.
  56. want 2 know
  57. what do I say
  58. disowned
  59. why are my parents acting like this??
  60. they would kill me
  61. Should I tell on my Mom for abusing me?
  62. Why is he so angry?
  63. Lost Childhood
  64. Real daughters pain
  65. Should I try to call my mother on Thanksgiving?
  66. Family and age?
  67. Sleep deprived
  68. Finally 18 and my parents that I don't live with say I can't smoke!
  69. What to do about my little bro?
  70. Moving out.
  71. Difference b/w love and sis
  72. I need to bring up my past and I'm scared...
  73. Not only is it mom it's dad too now
  74. Birthday party without parents knowing
  75. Mourning..
  76. Why is it that family is so unsupportive...
  77. Parents apart
  78. Moving out without cops involved
  79. Am I a horrible person for forgetting? I feel horrible
  80. How can I make my mom feel better?
  81. Do he love me??
  82. Living with my sister
  83. being naked around your brother?
  84. can they make me shave?
  85. I lied to my friends...but I'm not sure if it was an ok lie?
  86. Birthday presents for moms
  87. Do You Like This Song?
  88. whats the hardest thing to tell your parents?
  89. Cousin
  90. help I hate my life
  91. Grandmas 89th birthday...
  92. Can I move out at the age of 17 in oregon?
  93. Depression question
  94. I dont know what to think right now
  95. Mom's a cheater
  96. How would I phrase the sentence to tell my mom?
  97. Do you have any friends or family who is doctor??
  98. Only Childs?
  99. My long lost sister
  100. Mom??