Harboring a runaway

Can I be sued or charge for letting a teen stay in my home after she had runaway from home.

Answer #1

ya I called her mom and dad and told them right away I dont want to get into eny troble at all. just trying to keep this girl off the street. and I think shes better off at my place. she goes to school everyday I told her she hast to be in the house at 9;30 and she does. in fact she does things I ask that she would not do for her mom and dad.

Answer #2

She respects you, she’s lost all respect for her parents, probably the way they treat her, you treat her kindly and are there for her, I wouldn’t be surprised if you and her become long time friends after this ordeal.

Answer #3

Yes you can, but most parents wouldn’t bother, they would prefer them to be safe with someone else then out on the streets, if anything they will just be pissed at you, if you DO get caught however be sure to explain to them that if you did NOT do what you did she would have been out on the streets and nobody wants that, you where afraid to call her parents because you thought she might bail out on you and be dead somewhere on the streets, her parents will hate you but not want to do anything rash.

Answer #4

I ran away one time to a ffriends house, the option of suing is possible, my mom never did… she was thankful I was in a safe environment- and my moms crazy. what you’re doing is great I think. maybe try talking to the parents and let them know that their child just needs some tme, rather than being somewhere random and inm a dangerous setting.

Answer #5

Well I can look at this two ways…the first being that at least she’s safe and not on the streets…the second that you are a grown up and she’s just a child. I would not want my daughter to stay with a man that I didn’t know…hell any man for that matter. If it was me and she didn’t come back home yes I would think about suing you…a grown man (especially one that likes a different woman every night of the week and likes their smell) should not have a teenager in his house.

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