horrible faimly

well me and my faimly are not close the all act like they hate me all they do is judge me and put me down I live with them right now it seems impossible for me to get away because im a single mother with a minium wage job trying to go back to school so I can do what I should have done years ago get an education and keep my life togetther my mom always tells me I wont maked it how can I maintain in this bad situation untill I can get out she tries to scare me about gettung out on my own with my daugter I been on my own befoe but that was befoe I nhad my child

Answer #1

Since you’re currently in a situation where you have to be where you are…you have to learn not to listen to the barrage of negative talk…not listen, and certainly DO NOT begin to believe what you’re hearing…She sounds pissed to me…a long build up of pissed…and that is HER problem, especially if she cannot either get passed it, or learn a more appropriate way of expressing it…


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